This Summer in Dublin OH - Top Events & Activities 2017
In Dublin, Ohio, there are many reasons to look forward to summer. Of course the city is a patterned after the capital of the republic of Ireland, and has a high population of Irish nationals.

This Summer in Dublin
Summer – that time of the year when we cherish the sun so much, and we all bask in it daily. Many of us particularly look forward to summers not only because it is that time of the year when our hands are off work, but also a time when we have the opportunity to unwind and partake in activities that we might not have ample time to engage in all year round.
In Dublin, Ohio, there are many reasons to look forward to summer. Of course, the city is patterned after the capital of the republic of Ireland, and has a high population of Irish nationals.
There are a number of events and activities to look forward to every summer in Dublin, Ohio. This post will attempt to shine the light on some events that you can look forward to. If you're looking to find a house in Dublin though, make sure you look at available listings.

The Dublin Irish Festival
This is unarguably America’s largest Irish festival which began in 1988. This annual music and cultural festival happens during the first weekend of August every year. It attracts about 100,000 visitors across eight entertainment stages on an expanse of 29 acres of land, inside and around Coffman park. The events are inclusive of Celtic food and wine, cultural exhibits, children’s activities, and is most prominent for the Irish and Celtic music on display.

The Augsburg Fortress Summer Music Clinic
This year, the music clinic will take place between August 7 – August 8 from 9am to 3pm (EDT) at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Dublin. Hundreds of church musicians come around to explore fresh approaches to music and worship. The summer music clinic is designed for everyone who is interested in creating and planning music for whatever reasons through the adoption of new sounds. Register here >

The Annual Kiwanis Frog Jump Festival
Over 5,000 people participate in Dublin’s longest running event yearly. This year, the event will happen on the 25th of June at Coffman Park, and the races will begin at 10am. It is an amazing event with loads of prizes to be won, and some of the most irresistible delicacies available from the local food vendors. The quality time you will enjoy with your loved ones at this event is second to none.

The Arthritis Foundation Auto Show
This annual fundraiser brings car enthusiasts and spectators together to showcase their skills and raise funds for arthritis. Food is abundant, with accompanying drinks and live music. This year, the Dublin Metro Center business park will be busy from the 7th of July, all through the 9th. Learn more here >

Independence Day Parade & Celebration
If you must miss on all other events lined up across summer in Dublin, I bet you must not miss out on the 4th of July independence day celebrations. The celebration of freedom is unique with an outstanding lineup of activities which will kick off at 8am with the annual Sherm Sheldon Fishing Derby, then the inflation celebration at 9am which is followed by the main event, the Independence Day Parade kicking off at 11am. The entire city of Dublin is a beehive of activities on the days preceding and even after the 4th of July.
These are by all indications the top 5 events to look out for this summer in Dublin, Ohio. other notable events that were not mentioned includes: the National Volleyball league, the Emerald city games, The historic Dublin’s Slider challenge etc.