Moving to Enon, Ohio? Here’s Everything You Need to Know
A Community that Really Cares about Community

Situated in southwest Clark County, Enon, Ohio is a small, Central Ohio village that will feel like home the moment you move to town. A short trip away from both Dayton and Yellow Springs, you will never be short of things to do in Enon.

Serving the Enon, Ohio Community
In Enon, you can rest assured that you and your family are being looked out for. The service provided to the Enon community by local police, fire and EMS personnel, and the elected officials of the local government is top of the line. Enon prides itself on being a safe place, so your family will be taken care of within the community.
In the case of an emergency, the Enon Police Department implores you to please dial 9-1-1 to have the nearest available officer dispatched to your location. That being said, in the case of a non-emergency, you can reach the department at their local dispatch number, (937) 328-2560 to speak to an on-duty officer or have one dispatched to your location.
As a thanks for the services the Enon Police Department provides to the community, the people in the Village of Enon remain active participants of a campaign called Light Central Ohio Blue. Through the campaign, Central Ohio aims to show support for active law enforcement personnel, as well as to pay respects to those who have lost their lives on the line of duty. To be a participant in the campaign, all you have to do is change the lights outside your home to blue bulbs.
Fire and EMS Services
Enon is actually home to the Mad River Township Fire and EMS Department, which serves 12,000 people in an area spanning 32 square miles, including the people of Enon. The department operates with both paid people who have made a career out of their service, as well as volunteers from the area.
Within the department, 85% of personnel are trained to both fight fires and provide at least some medical aid until a patient can be taken care of by a medical professional. Included in the duties of the Fire and EMS Department are firefighting, emergency medical services, search and rescue teams (including divers), vehicle rescue, and fire safety education programs.
Local Government
As a non-charter village, Enon is required by law to maintain a Mayor-Council form of government. The mayor is elected to a four-year term by the people of Enon and is responsible for appointing leadership within the Enon community, including that of the Police Chief, the Fiscal Officer, and the Village Administrator. In the case of a tie during Council meetings, the mayor must also act as a seventh vote to break the tie.
The Council is made up of six members, each of whom are elected to staggering four-year terms. They are responsible for the major administrative decisions of the community, including employing people in services to the village, as well as approving any appointments that are made by the mayor. Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, and meeting minutes are recorded and made available to the public.

Living in the Enon, Ohio Community
Wondering what your neighbors will be like in Enon, Ohio? The village is pretty homogenous, but there is actually a surprising amount of diversity for such a small place in Central Ohio. Of the entire population of roughly 2,300 people, 94% of the community is white, 2% is black, 2% is a combination of two or more races, 1.5% are Native american, and .5% is Asian.
The women in this area rule the scene, making up about 53% of the population, compared to the 47% of people who identify as men. The median age of people living in Enon is right around 50 years old, so if you’re around that age, you’ll blend right in, and if you’re on the younger side, maybe you’ll be able to bring a younger crowd to the area.
Named for the River Enon in Israel, where John the Baptist is said to have baptized the first Christians, it’s surprising how few people actually report practicing Christianity in Enon. Based on data from Clark County as a whole, just under 70% of the Enon community doesn’t actually adhere to any particular religion. Among the rest of the population, 22% practice some kind of protestantism, 7% are Catholic, and 1% practice some other kind of religion.
There isn’t any data to state the demographics of people who might be a part of the LGBT+ community, but Enon does lean towards conservative politics.

Learning in the Enon, Ohio Community
Learning is something that the Enon community holds with the utmost importance. The people of Enon really hope that the children who pass through the village - as well as anyone else who is willing to learn - become educated and are able to do something with that education.
Schools in Enon
Children in Enon attend the Greenon School District, which services the Village of Enon, as well as children in Mad River and Green Townships and Clark County. The school district is made up of three separate schools.
Enon Primary, which teaches children from preschool through 1st grade; Indian Valley Intermediate School, which serves children from 2nd grade through 6th grade; and Greenon Jr./Sr. High School, which teaches students from 7th grade through 12th grade.
All three schools serve around 1,600 students in total. Greenon School District prides itself on providing amazing opportunities for students of all ages, all while adhering to the state standards. In the past few years, Greenon schools have helped students to accomplish some pretty great things.
Enon primary students have shown to advance more than a year than they were projected to in a single year. Future college students have been able to save thousands of dollars thanks to College Credit Plus, which allows them to take college-level courses while still in high school.
Enon Library
People in the Enon community are also encouraged to sign up for a Clark County Public Library card at the Enon branch. With your library card, you will have access to all of the books, movies, music and magazines at the Enon Library, as well as materials that you can order from other library branches within the Clark County system.At the library, you will also have access to databases, including scholarly ones that you would need to pay for otherwise.
They also offer genealogy services to help you trace your ancestors and discover if you have any relatives you never knew about. If you need to host a meeting, the library also has meeting rooms available, which you can reserve with a simple call to the Enon branch ((937) 864-2502). Please reserve your room at least one week in advance of the meeting.
Historical Society of Enon, OH
Enon, Ohio is also very proud of their historical society, which offers information about the history of Enon and the surrounding areas and makes efforts to preserve what remains of some of the historical sites in the area. The Enon Community Historical Society works diligently to preserve the second largest remaining Indian Mound in the state of Ohio. They also host an annual Apple Butter Festival, which celebrates the way that Enon ancestors used to make apple butter.

What to Do in and around the Enon, Ohio Community
Enon is a pretty small place (just over a single square mile!), but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to do in the area. In fact, you can find plenty of ways to entertain yourself both in Enon and in the surrounding areas.
Spend the Day at One of Enon’s Parks
Enon is actually home to three different parks, each of which brings its own charm to the village.
Enon Park takes up just over 12 acres and is the perfect place to bring your kids to wear them out if you’re hoping to turn in early. It boasts a playground for your younger kids to run around on, as well as a skating area where your older kids can practice using their skateboards (as long as they’re wearing the proper safety equipment).
Galloway Park is one of the newer parks located in Enon, and it is jointly owned with Mad River Township. It includes playground equipment that children of all ages (any maybe even you, if you’re a parent) will enjoy. The park also has a large field, which can be used to play soccer, host an Easter Egg Hunt, or even just to lie out on a towel. There is a pavilion located on the grounds as well, which you are able to rent out for $25 if you plan on hosting a family picnic.
Settler Park is less for the kids and more for the community as a whole. This park is the only one to have a gazebo, which you can rent out for $25. Many people in the community love to use the gazebo for weddings, vow renewals, and other celebratory events. Settler Park is also the home site for Enon’s Annual Farmer’s Market, the Annual Pizza Festival, a car show, and the Apple Butter Festival.
Learn about the History of the U.S. Air Force
Located in Dayton, Ohio, less than a half hour drive away, is the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. The museum contains a collection of interpretive Air Force history, including many of the makes and models of planes that have been used by the Air Force over the years, as well as an incarnation of Air Force One!
As a guest at the museum, you will be able to learn about some of the different responsibilities that members of the Air Force have undertaken since its inception, as well as what they have been able to do as an active part of the military through the various wars that the United States has participated in.
See Some of the Most Brilliant Architecture in Person
Just a little under eight and half miles outside of the Village of Enon is the Westcott House - a one-of-a-kind design by Frank Lloyd Wright. Interestingly, the interior of the house has been altered so much since it was originally built in 1908 that many don’t consider it a “true” Wright piece, but the exterior still remains exactly the same, and when you see it, you’ll know it’s Wright.
Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the most well-known architects of his time, and the architecture style he created - dubbed “prairie style” - is easily recognizable to anyone who has seen at least one of his buildings before. The Westcott House takes Wright’s vision and actually extends it to relate the structure to its surroundings. Along the grounds of the house, you will also find gardens, a lily pond, and a terrace - all of which work with the design of the house to bring it to its full potential.
Watch and Learn about Nature in Action
Located in neighboring Yellow Springs, the Glen Helen Nature Preserve is a great place to bring your kids for a weekend learning experience about nature. The Preserve has both biking and hiking trails that allow you to explore the surrounding nature in all of its glory. You can receive a guided tour through the area, or choose to take part in a trailside museum that tells you about the history of the nature preserve as you move about it.
The Glen Helen Nature Preserve is also the proud home to a Raptor Rehabilitation Center, which takes in injured raptors (birds of prey), nurses them back to health, and then, if they are able to, releases them back into the wild. They primarily take in a few different types of hawks and owls, but occasionally they will also see other birds of prey within their ranks. Most of their patients are actually brought in by concerned people who have found the birds.
Enon, Ohio might be small, but it offers so many opportunities and resources to the community that you almost wouldn’t know it. If you’re moving to Enon, you can rest assured that you’re going to be safe, educated, and entertained.