5 Tips To Qualify For A Home Mortgage



Jan 21, 2021

It's surprising how many folks don't know about getting a mortgage. As soon as they hear that interest rates and housing prices are dropping, they decide to buy a house. Somehow, they don't recognize that a mortgage is different from a car loan or renting an apartment. Sometimes, their mortgage application may be denied, making them disappointed.  

In truth, lending large amounts of money is risky for financial institutions. Banks will only lend you a few thousand dollars if they are confident that you will be able to pay them back in time. The good news is that if you know some tricks to apply for a mortgage loan with Security America Mortgage, you can avoid the disappointment that comes with a loan application.  

Keep reading this article to learn more about a home mortgage, including some tips for qualifying for one. 

What Is A Home Mortgage?

Essentially, a mortgage refers to an agreement or a contract that both the lender and borrower enter to finance the home purchase without paying cash upfront. Through this type of loan, the lender agrees to let the borrower borrow some funds, which should be paid in regular repayments. But in the event the borrower fails to fulfill the terms of the loan, the lender will have the right to repossess the property, sell it, and use the proceeds of the sale to recover the amount of money the borrower owed them. 

It’s just as important to know that there are different types of mortgages. Some of them include:

  • Fixed-Rate Mortgage: The interest rate is fixed or the same throughout the term of the loan. 
  • Adjustable-Rate Mortgage: The interest rate may be fixed for a certain period of time but may change at some point based on the interest rate prevailing on the market. 
  • Reverse Mortgage: The homeowners may borrow money or convert a portion of their home equity into cash, which can be received as a lumpsum, a line of credit, or s fixed monthly payment. 

You can choose from various types of mortgages, but if you want to know the perfect one for your financial situation, you may hire a mortgage broker who will help you make a sound decision. 

Tips For Qualifying For A Mortgage

Now that you know what a home mortgage is, it’s time to discuss some tips you need to consider to qualify for one from a reliable lender or a financial institution in your area. 

For newbies and veterans alike, these tips can help you get pre-approved for a home mortgage

For newbies and veterans alike, these tips can help you get pre-approved for a home mortgage:   

  1. Examine Your Credit Report 

The first step is to examine your credit reports and see where you stand. The report shows your credit history, loans, credit card accounts, and on-time payments. Lenders and service providers can use your credit report to make an informed decision about your application.  

Those with a solid credit report may pay less interest and obtain additional services. In other words, your credit report will determine whether or not you get a home loan and what interest rate you'll get.  

Ordering your credit report and score doesn't take much time. However, most homebuyers don't check their credit scores before applying for a mortgage, thinking they're high enough. They haven't realized that a low credit score, not making payments on time, or missing payments can make it hard to get a mortgage. 

  1. Establish A Good Credit History 

Securing a mortgage may be more difficult if you have a poor credit history. If that's the case, consider opening a reliable low-limit credit card account. As mentioned in the previous point, it's possible to miss out on cheap interest rates on a mortgage if you don't have a solid credit history. But if you have a good credit standing, you can get lower interest rates and get a mortgage loan easier.    

It's crucial to build a good credit history to give the financial institution or lender the most accurate picture of your financial situation. Having a good credit score gives you additional options for finding the finest deals other than a mortgage loan. 

  1. Reserve Some Cash 

To get a mortgage, you'll need to put up some money. You can be denied a mortgage loan if you show up at a lender's office with no cash on hand. Mortgage lenders used to issue zero-down loans in the past, but today they demand a down payment as a loan condition. Minimum down payments vary depending on the loan and lender. However, it's best to put down at least 3.5 percent of the purchase price when applying for a mortgage on securityamericamortgage.com.    

However, down payments are not the only costs to be aware of. Closing charges, house inspections, evaluations, title searches, and service charges may all be part of the mortgage process. So, ensure you save enough money for those as well.

  1.  Be Realistic About Your Budget 

Even if owning a home is your ultimate goal, remember to have a realistic perspective. A condo or townhouse may be a better option if you cannot obtain a mortgage for the amount you need and don't want to wait. You might also have to choose a smaller property with fewer bedrooms, baths, and square footage or move farther away. Both of these options may improve your chances of qualifying for a mortgage.  

After your finances improve, you may be able to relocate to a better area. However, it would be best if you were honest about your financial situation for the time being.

  1. Pay Current Debts And Avoid Incurring New Ones 

You don't need to pay for your credit cards entirely when applying for a mortgage. However, it would help if you kept your debts to a minimum. Your debts will affect whether you can secure a mortgage or borrow a large amount of money. It's common for mortgage lenders to look at your debt-to-income ratio before deciding on your application.   

If you have a high debt ratio, the lender may deny your loan application or reduce the amount you're eligible for. The mortgage and other monthly obligations should not be more than 36% of your gross monthly earnings.   

Still, you should avoid taking on new debt during the mortgage application process if you have existing consumer debt approved for a mortgage. Lenders perform another credit check before closing. And if they find new or extra debts on your credit report, they could reject the application.  


Many people don't know much about getting a mortgage. They plan to purchase a home as soon as they learn that interest rates and property prices are dropping. But if their application for a mortgage is turned down, they may feel let down.   

Fortunately, if you follow the tips above, you will be more likely to be qualified for a home mortgage.

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June 12, 2021
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