What’s the Weather like in Dayton, Ohio?
Learn about Dayton weather + Activities to do around the area during the various seasons

Where is Dayton, Ohio?
Population | 137,644 as of 2020
Size of the city | 56.55 sq mi
Montgomery County, Ohio
Dayton was founded on April 1, 1796, by 12 settlers known as the Thompson Party. They traveled in March from Cincinatti up the Great Miami River and eventually landed where a couple small Native American campuses were found, at what is now St. Clair Street. The city became named after Jonathan Dayton, who was a captain in the Revolutionary War. Dayton signed the U.S. constitution and shortly after construction on the Dayton-Cincinnati canal began. This led to Dayton’s impressive economic growth during the 1800s.
Dayton has an economy that’s pretty diversified and very vital to the economy of the entire state of Ohio. Dayton is among the top metropolitan areas in both exports and export-related jobs.
Best public schools in Dayton:
- Belmont High
- Meadowdale High
- Paul Laurence Dunbar High
- Ponitz Career Technology Center
- Stivers School for the Arts
- Thurgood Marshall High
Weather in Dayton
As far as Dayton’s climate goes, typically there are very hot and muggy summers along with very cold and dry winter months. The warm season in Dayton lasts for about 4 months, from May 24 to September 21, with an average daily high temperature above 75°F. The hottest month of the year is in July, with an average high of 84°F and low of 67°F. The cold season in Dayton lasts for 3 months, from December 2 to March 2, with an average daily high temperature below 46°F. The coldest month of the year is in January, with an average low of 23°F and high of 37°F.
Clouds + Precipitation
The cloudiest part of the year In Dayton begins around November 3 and lasts for about 7 months, ending around June 13.
The cloudiest month of the year in Dayton is January, with an average sky overcast of mostly cloudy 60% of the time. The wetter season lasts 4 months, from March 24 to August 11, with a greater than 30% chance of a given day being a wet day. The month with the most wet days in Dayton is June, with an average of 12 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation.The drier season in Dayton lasts for about 7 months, from August 11 to March 24. The month with the fewest wet days in Dayton is January, with an average of 6 days with at least 0.04 inches of rain.
The windier part of the year in Dayton lasts for about 7 months, from October 12 to May 18, with average wind speeds of more than 9 miles per hour. The windiest month of the year in Dayton is March, with an average hourly wind speed of 11 miles per hour. The most calm time of year lasts for 5 months, from May 18 to October 12. The calmest month of the year in Dayton is August, with an average hourly wind speed of 6.8 miles per hour
The snowy period in Dayton of the year lasts for about 4 months, from November 30 to March 26, with a sliding 31-day snowfall of at least 1.0 inches. The month with the highest amount of snow in Dayton is February, with an average snowfall of 3 inches. The snowless period of the year lasts for 8 months, from March 26 to November 30. The least snow falls around July 23, with an average total of 0 inches.
What to Do in Dayton During The Different Seasons
Dayton doesn’t just have to be enjoyable during the summer months, you can find something fun to do in Dayton all year round! Check out some things you can do in Dayton throughout the changing seasons.
The coldest time of the year, especially in the Dayton area. This doesn’t stop fun activities taking place, however! Check out what you can do in Dayton during the winter time.
Dayton MetroParks- RiverScape
237 E Monument Ave | Dayton, OH | 45402
If you love ice skating, you need to check out the ice rink at the Riverside Metro Park. The large ice rink, at approximately 70 X 150 feet, sits under a pavilion and features the beautiful views of the Great Miami River and the downtown Dayton skyline. Maybe you aren’t as experienced with ice skating? No problem! There are lessons available for beginners and other fun activities for skaters who are more advanced.
Admission into the rink is just $6, and skate rentals are $2. Visitors to the park can also enjoy some hot chocolate and treats at the concession stands, and you can expect to hear lots of great music being played throughout the day.
Ice fishing is another activity common during the winter time in the Dayton area. Popular spots where you’ll find ice fishers doing their thing when ice conditions are just right include Possum Creek Metropark, Carriage Hill Metropark’s Cedar Lake, Englewood Metropark ponds, and even Riverside Metro Park where you can also do the ice skating! If you’re looking for a bigger catch, try one of the nearby lakes such as Indian lake or Kiser lake.
Spring is an exciting time for many because the weather is starting to get warmer, and spring break plans could be on the horizon. Ever been to a nature center? Think of including the Brukner Nature Center as part of your spring plans when visiting Dayton.
Brukner Nature Center
5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd | Troy, OH | 45373
The Brukner Nature Center currently operates as one of the largest licensed wildlife rehabilitation units in the Miami Valley.
- This family friendly destination allows you to experience nature and go on walks.
- You can visit the 50+ animals including birds, owls, and possums that can no longer survive in the wild housed in indoor and outdoor exhibits.
- You can also try birdwatching! This can be done from the tree-top vista accessible from the interpretive building.
Admission into the center is just $2.50 per person or $10 per family.
The months of June through August are the perfect times to do some fun outdoor activities while you’re in the Dayton area. Check out what you can do!
Dayton Dragons Baseball Game
Fifth Third Field: 220 N. Patterson Blvd | Dayton, OH | 45402
This family-friendly Class A minor league baseball team brings the game on for about 8,000 fans each game since 2000 when they first opened. Seating options are usually pretty good wherever you sit, and the food is delicious. The team plays for an average of 8,300 fans each game since they opened in 2000. Playing in the Fifth Third Field in Dayton, fans proclaim that every seat is a good one, the food is great, and their mascot Heeter is very entertaining.
The stadium offers lots of special events for the community including fireworks and special entertainment. You can check out their website for a list of their Friends & Family dates for seating and pricing information.
John Bryan State Park
3790 State Route 370 | Yellow Springs, OH | 45387
This park is hailed to be “the most scenic state park in western Ohio.” It is approximately 752 acres, full of beautiful waterfalls and wildlife scenery. In addition to its incredibly scenic landscape, the park also offers a day lodge with a full kitchen, two campgrounds and a variety of outdoor activities including boating, fishing, rock climbing/rappelling, and even mountain bike trails.
Because the weather starts to get a little more chilly in the fall, it may be more appealing to start doing some activities that are mostly indoors and maybe a little bit outdoors as well. Check out the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery!
Boonshoft Museum of Discovery
2600 DeWeese Parkway | Dayton, OH | 45414
Visit the Boonshoft Museum if you love different kinds of zoos, especially if you also have young children.
There’s a plethora of fun things for them to do that’ll keep everyone entertained:
- An indoor mini-zoo complete with entertaining river otters, meerkats, and even a bobcat.
- Space and astronomy exhibits including a space theater.
- An interactive color wall perfect for dancing.
- Indoor playground.
- Tidal pool for interacting with sea creatures.
- A treehouse designated for bird-watching.
- Pretend play stations including a vet’s office, courtroom/jail, and shopping stores.
- A play area complete with a fossil pit for the young children.
- Discover abandoned ships, deep sea creatures, geologic features and the science that brings it all to light within the exhibit “Extreme Deep: Mission to the Abyss”.
Fun in Every Season
Summer doesn’t always have to be the time to go on fun trips and explore new things! You are guaranteed to find an activity that’s fun for you and your family no matter the weather in Dayton, Ohio.