Top Productivity Tips and Tricks to Help You Work from Home
Stay on track with your work by staying organized and healthy at home

The work lives of many Americans have been changed drastically in the past couple of weeks in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Many industries now have the opportunity to allow their employees to get their work done remotely--so business can still get done, while workers can keep out of the public, take care of their families, and stay safe at home. The technology that allows companies to institute a remote culture is amazing, and while for some people, working at home might be unprecedented, many people have been quietly doing this for years.
Working from home is definitely different than working in an office setting, and comes with its own list of benefits and drawbacks. We’ve put together a list of 10 helpful tips to ensure you can stay productive and make the most of your time as you transition into being an at-home worker. Whether you’re new--or are a pro at working remotely--these tips can certainly be helpful to everyone!
Stick to a Schedule
A schedule is the best way to set limits to work and home time
When you were commuting to your job, you definitely had a schedule to stick to. You’d get up, get ready, get some coffee or tea with breakfast, maybe get the kids off to school, and then be out the door. Everyone operates a little differently, and makes their own schedules that keep them on track to arrive at work on time. Now that you’re working from home, there is no commute (bonus!) nor is there a dress code. If you wanted to, you could roll out of bed and land at your desk if you wanted!
However while this might seem fun at first, it could prevent you from being your most productive while working at home. We have schedules for a reason, and just like if you were in an office building, it pays to stick to them. Utilize a calendar or a series of reminders to help you stay on top of your daily tasks. This will make organizing your workload and the course of your day much easier than if you left it out.
You don’t have to use tech either to set your schedule, write down a list of all the things you need to accomplish in a given day and make sure to get them done. The flexibility that comes with working from home can allow you time to take care of an errand midday while still staying on task to complete your work by quitting time.

Routine is Your Best Friend
Humans crave routine, so make sure you have one!
Along with a schedule, having a routine to get yourself ready for work and prepared to take on your tasks at home goes a long way when it comes to productivity. Use your morning routine just like you did when you were commuting to the office-- get everything you need to get done like showering, eating, having your coffee, etc. and then arrive at your desk ready to work.
Most employees aren’t used to the freedom that working remotely can give them, and have had to endure the regimented schedule of being onsite for a certain amount of time. Use this time at home to really find what works for you. Remember, there’s no more traffic commute to worry about!

Have a Home Office
For your sanity and health, have a designated office space!
We’re all guilty of curling up on the couch or the bed with our laptop to shop or post to social media accounts. But this is no way to treat your body when you’re going to put in a full day of work! Most office environments have a good desk setup complete with a supportive chair and an ergonomic keyboard and mouse, which help provide your body with a comfortable way to work for an extended period of time. After a few days on the couch, or even at the dining room table, your body is going to let you know that this routine cannot continue.
Set up a home office with a desk, lamp, chair, and any other item you might find yourself reaching for on a daily basis. This can be as simple as a folding desk and basic swivel chair that you can set up and dismantle on a daily basis. Or if you have space and can foresee yourself continuing to work from home after the enforced social distancing, go ahead and get a sturdy desk and ergonomic chair.
In addition to the benefits for your body of having a real place to work, having space away from family life--or as close as you can get--deserve a mention as well. Keep work and home as separate as you can for now, and by creating a familiar and comfortable place to report to each morning helps you can stay focused on your work.
Utilize Tech
Technology can keep you on track and help stay connected
In our increasingly connected world, remote workers can take full advantage of all the tech and apps that make working from home a good choice. Working in a cloud storage system is ideal for keeping track of documents and spreadsheets. Depending on what your industry is, this is an essential part of getting your workload completed.
Also, take advantage of schedules and calendars that create a seamless way to organize your day. If you have trouble staying focused in your new environment due to family members, pets, or the desire to do chores, then use an app like Toggl which allows users to track their productivity and see how long it’s taking them to complete their tasks. This is ideal for those who have never worked outside of a traditional office, as it can help you stay focused and complete your work.

Make Home Office Rules for Family Members
Everyone can do their part to make your work from home transition easier
As more and more people are starting to work completely from home at this time, they’re not only running into issues of keeping themselves motivated and working but are finding many distractions from kids or other family members that they’re sharing their new workspace with. If you have kids make sure that they understand that this is your work time and that you are not available to play or to talk. You can, of course, do both of those things on your breaks, or at the end of your workday!
If you and your significant other or roommate are finding yourselves both working from home, it is imperative that you have separate spaces, especially if one of you has a job that involves a lot of over the phone or video chat communication. Nothing can ruin a relationship faster than by not respecting the space of others.
Don’t Forget to Take Breaks!
Breaks are an important part of your day
Just like when you worked in an office, you would occasionally get up, grab a tea or water, and walk around a little to stretch your legs and clear your head. The same goes for when working from home--give your brain and your body a break! Sometimes we feel that since we’re away from our office setting, we have to continually prove that we’re being productive and working at capacity. Just because you’re in another environment doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do healthy things such as taking breaks.
Set a goal for yourself, and say “I want to complete x, y, and z before I can take my break.” This will help you stay motivated to continue work until your task is complete, then you can get up, walk around, say hi to the kids, or pet your cat. It’s unbelievable how much better we can feel throughout the day when we make a little time to step back and breathe.

Make Sure to Leave the House
Get some fresh air!
Going along with taking breaks, make sure to try and use your break or lunchtime (and do take time to have lunch!) to go outside for a little bit. Whether you enjoy a short walk or a quick jog, or even take the dog out to play, or spend time in your garden, make it a point to get out of the house. When we’re outside we can completely stop thinking about our workload if even just for a little bit and focus our attention on something we really like to do. This balance is essential when you’re working from home and contribute to increased satisfaction with both your work and home situation.
You don’t have to go outside for very long, but give your brain a break and breathe in the fresh air. Who knows, you might even be inspired to come up with a new answer to a problem, or find a better way to tackle an issue that you and your team have been struggling with.
Stay in Contact with Coworkers
Keep yourself in the loop
When you work from home, you need to adjust to the fact that you can’t just stop by the workspace or office of a colleague, whether to ask for their input or to talk about the latest episode of your favorite Netflix show. Humans are social animals and we seek out the companionship of others, even on the job! This doesn’t have to end with social distancing and working from home. We live in an amazingly connected and digital world, so if you can’t grab a coffee with a coworker, Skype with them over coffee instead! Plan a time where you both can take a break and talk about anything but work.
You can always chat about work issues via phone or with products like Slack, but don’t forget to check in on a break and see how their weekend went as well! Email and texts are also good for this and are a nice way to keep in touch from a distance, especially if you’re new to working from home.

Plan Out Your Week Ahead
Stay on top of this and stay organized
A lot of people like the routine and structure that comes with working in an office--as well as the chance it gives them to be social. When you’re working from home, you are even more responsible for staying on track and keeping pace with your work. It’s helpful to have a calendar or a planner that helps you see what tasks need to be accomplished by the week’s end, that way you can better plan out each day. This way, you’re not working late or find yourself overwhelmed come Friday morning.
By laying out a plan of attack either Friday before quitting time or first thing Monday morning, you’re helping yourself be more productive. Set a reminder in your calendar to do this and you’ll be even more prepared to take on your week!
Take Advantage of Work from Home Perks
Learn to utilize your new flexibility
Now that you’re working from home, you have the chance to use your time like you may have never before. If you want to do laundry and wash up the dishes while on your lunch time, go ahead and do it! Want to play fetch with your dog in the yard on a break, go for it! These are things you’d never be able to do while working away from home, so take advantage of them. You might just find yourself with a little more time to enjoy yourself throughout the day, making you an even happier and fulfilled person.
As you adjust to a different setting for your work life, make sure to institute some of these tips and to help you get into a routine. Although Monday morning may still come around too quickly, you’ll be better prepared and ready to take on the day in your new at home environment. Do you have any tips that help you stay productive while working at home? Let us know in the comments.