Top 5 Podcasts for Realtors
Real, Usable Advice and Fun, Fresh Entertainment for Real Estate Agents

There are over 1.3 million real estate agents employed in the United States alone. Naturally, people with a shared career and passion for realty want to share their experiences and advice with colleagues and comrades all over the world. Thus, the marketplace of real estate focused podcasts is rich with comedy, commentary, and motivation for all to enjoy. Here, we’ve curated a list of our absolute favorite podcasts specifically geared toward the career of real estate brokerage, sale, and marketing. Enjoy our list of the top 5 podcasts for real estate agents featuring only the very best the wide world of realtor podcasting has to offer.
For the quick, need-to-know information about each podcast, we’ve left a fact sheet at the bottom of each podcast summary, letting you know the who (hosts), how many (number of episodes), how long (average length of an episode), and why (our reason to listen) of these podcasts. No matter what you’re looking for in a real estate podcast, this list will have something for you. If you don’t quite know what you’re looking for yet? Here is a great place to start!
Kevin & Fred's Next Level Podcast

Self-described as “quick tips for realtors and interviews from the best in the real estate business’ this podcast consists of bite-sized conversations between Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver as well as hour-long deep-dives into topics relevant to the industry. Co-hosts of Kevin & Fred’s Next Level Podcast, Kevin and Fred are two seasoned real estate brokers and co-owners of Next Level Agents with Cody Gibson. Within their show is a running series ‘Industry Headlines’ where Kevin and Fred unpack news in real estate law and business.
By listening, not only can you easily keep up-to-date on the news within your career, but you can have access to two professionals and entrepreneurs providing context, insight, and commentary. All of this just in 5-to-10 minute pieces perfect for listening during your commute or with a spare moment around the house. You can view their podcast here on iTunes or visit their podcast landing page on Next Level Agents directly. You can also learn more about Next Level Agents the company over on their website.
Number of episodes: 100 (and counting)
Length of episodes: 5-60 minutes
Hosted by: Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver
Best quality: Topical information
Caravan Confessions

A comedy podcast series made by Eric Simon of The Broke Agent, Caravan Confessions brings in stories of the best (and the worst) times in real estate agents’ daily lives on the job. Eric Simon states on his website that he began his Broke Agent brand and podcast to fill a void he perceived in media about real estate, which he believed “lacked edge, authenticity, and most importantly humor.” On Caravan Confessions he interviews friends and colleagues, collecting their favorite memories of goofy clients and absurd situations over their years of work.
Simon is a classically charismatic real estate agent who forms an easy, natural chemistry with his guests. Unfortunately, the most recent episode was posted over two years ago, so we likely won’t be seeing much more of Confessions any time soon. Still, Soundcloud has an archive of the podcast’s 12 hour-long episodes that are sure to brighten your day and make you think, “that has totally happened to me.” You can learn more about Eric and his brand over on The Broke Agent website where he posts even more humorous real estate-based content or click here to stream his podcast over Soundcloud.
Number of episodes: 12
Length of episodes: 10-30 minutes
Hosted by: Eric Simon
Best quality: Hilarious!
Real Estate Rockstars with Pat Hiban

Experienced podcaster and real estate mogul Pat Hiban’s most recent project Real Estate Rockstars with Pat Hiban features hour-long talks about everything there is to know about the industry. Pat’s naturally energetic and electric personality comes through in every episode where his guests shares their personal most-valuable advice for success in real estate marketing and sales. His guests are, just as the title suggests, absolute rock stars in the industry, including ‘30 under 30’ featurees and industry dynamos.
Hiban’s most recent episode features an exclusive interview with the Chief Executive Officer of RE/MAX Adam Contos, where the CEO describes the traits that make the ideal agent and give tips for business owners to grow and better serve their clients. You can find all of the podcast’s episodes available to stream at the podcast website. You can also learn more about ‘billion dollar agent’ Pat Hiban’s projects on his personal website.
Number of episodes: 831 (and counting)
Length of episodes: 45-60 minutes
Hosted by: Pat Hiban
Best quality: Amazing guests
Real Estate Coaching Radio

The daily podcast Real Estate Coaching Radio from industry insiders Tim and Julie Harris offers up raw, sometimes hard-to-hear advice about how to thrive as a real estate agent. Tim and Julie are the definition of a power couple. From real estate entrepreneurs to elite industry coaches, the Harrises know real estate inside and out. On their daily podcast, they offer up real, actionable advice that will apply to your job and make you more successful in your work.
They also like to talk big picture in a recent four-part series on the possibility of a looming economic recession and how the industry could be affected. This isn’t just information pertinent to CEOs, however. Tim and Julie offer up advice at the ground level to help agents out there actually selling homes know what to do when situations get tough, like in a recent episode entitled “7 Secrets To Selling That Impossible To Sell House!” No matter your position in your career, whether you’re a rookie agent or a manager of a real estate company, chances are Tim and Julie have got something you need to hear. Check out the most recent episodes of their daily podcast here or learn more about Tim and Julie Harris on their website.
Number of episodes: 300 (and counting)
Length of episodes: 30-60 minutes
Hosted by: Tim Harris and Julie Harris
Best quality: Big-picture advice
H3: Kevin Ward’s YES Talk

The short-form podcast Kevin Ward’s YES Talk features motivational talks from Kevin Ward about topics directly relevant to real estate agents. With his tough-love attitude and motivational style, Kevin delivers the truth about the industry as he sees it. On his weekly(ish) podcast, Kevin uses his energy and experience to educate newcomers and veterans in the industry alike on how to get more yes’s from customers and clients.
In a recent episode, “The Biggest Lie Told to Real Estate Agents,” he lays out a reality check for young agents about the path to success in real estate, and he similarly lays out specific techniques for success in his flat-out, ‘this is how it is’ manner. He also occasionally publishes longer interviews with friends and colleagues from within the industry. His audio podcasts are also available as videos over on his website Yes Masters. You can stream and download the audio versions on Apple Podcasts.
Number of episodes: 158 (and counting)
Length of episodes: 10-60 minutes
Hosted by: Kevin Ward
Best quality: Usable techniques for on-the-job
What makes a good real estate podcast? Well, the answer to that question all depends on you and what you want out of a podcast. For us, every good real estate podcast should include a few basic qualities:
- it comes from real, successful people in the industry
- it won’t withhold all the information you want behind a paywall
- it will hold your attention with fun, dynamic hosts
- it will make you feel like part of a community of professionals
For us, these five podcasts check all the boxes. They come from genuine individuals who are passionate about what they do and hope to offer what they know to enrich the industry and raise people up in achieving their dreams. For these people, real estate is a career that has brought them fulfillment, and they hope to share what they can with others.
And hey, we get it. Not every podcast is for everyone. That’s why we’ve intentionally covered a wide range of topics, styles, and genres in this specially curated list. The perfect podcast has a host you connect with delivering content you need. That description will vary for every individual, especially in an industry like real estate that is so dependent on professionals with unique, vibrant personalities. For some of us, that content-we-need is right now, right here advice. For others, it’s just a good chuckle with somebody who gets it.
Remember that statistic from earlier? There are more than 1.3 million real estate agents in the United States. That may sound scary. We feel it’s quite a good thing. It means that there’s a strong, ambitious community of passionate professionals in this industry. Chances are, we’ve got a lot to learn from each other when we take the time to stop and listen. So let’s get listening, and let’s get to work!