These Flowers Will Do Best In Your Garden In The Great State Of Ohio

We described a list of wild and elegant flowers that will thrive in your garden, and where to locally shop for all gardening essentials.

red flowers in a field


Connor McCoy


Jan 21, 2021

These Flowers Will Do Best in Your Garden in The Great State of Ohio

Flowers that not only thrive but will beautify your garden.

Out of the many rewards of purchasing a new home, creating the perfect garden is one of the most therapeutic. You and your family members have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors while spending time together! If you want to learn more about gardening. This list describes flowers designed to perform well in your garden, native to regions of the Americas such as the Midwest. 

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Blanket Flower

These beauties are hard to miss. 

three red-orange blanket flowers
The blanket flower thrives in the sun, with its beautiful multicolored petals adding an excellent point of interest to your garden.

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: While growing | Difficulty: Beginner

Native to the plains, the blanket flower requires full sun and little extra watering. In the shade, the blooms become weak and floppy. Their red-orange colors will continue into the fall until the frost. Clip the blossoms in the late fall to allow the plant to save energy for next year. The fall-colored flowers are perfect for a timely seasonal shift in your home’s decor. These are a fantastic centerpiece for a bouquet for you or your friends. Remember to deadhead old blooms and sprinkle them around the plant to encourage reseeding.


This flower's unique shape is similar to that of a horn, and if you think about military base camps, you may remember the song played via trumpet to wake the men on base each day.

close-up of a red daylily
Daylilies are a classic and beautiful plant. Always a fantastic addition to your garden! 

Sunlight: Full sun/ Part Shade | Water: Regular | Difficulty: Beginner

Daylilies thrive in the sun and tolerate shade; they are among the hardiest flowering plants. Each bloom lasts one day, but many flowers continue throughout the summer. Clip the flowers when they are old to keep the plants looking fresh. At the end of the season, cut the stems to the ground so the plant may save energy. When watering your plants or walking through your garden, it is good practice to check plants for dead leaves or blooms. Their leaves turn yellow in fall and may be clipped or wait until spring to rake away the dead foliage. Divide the plants every five years to encourage more blooms.


It wouldn’t hurt to plant this flower in your garden to add a POP of color!

In the close-up image, you can see that the stamen is a dark purple color, popping up to add a contrast to the poppy as a whole. Image courtesy of ferry-morse

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: While Blooming | Difficulty: Intermediate

Plant poppies in your garden for a pop of color. They require full sun and watering during dry spells but limit this watering once the plant is done establishing itself in your garden to avoid unattractive overgrowth. Clip the old blooms to see brighter ones throughout the season. There are a variety of poppies with different needs. Armenian poppies are delicate and small; Oriental poppies bloom large but dislike excess summer heat. California poppies love to reseed and should be planted where more poppies are desired. Learn about this Ohio woman’s love of poppies.

Double-check what variety of poppy you’ve planted to ensure you are providing the best conditions for it to grow!


Not just a beautiful addition to add to your garden but a tasty treat for your neighborhood's silent outdoor guests.

Frances Williams hostas
These hearty plants can endure many different growing conditions and provide excellent ground cover. 

Sunlight: Light sun | Water: During drought | Difficulty: Beginner

This leafy plant tolerates shade and dryness; plant them to beautify these troublesome areas of your garden. The leaves of the Pandora’s Box variety are white and fringed with light green. The larger leaves of the Frances Williams variety (pictured) are blue-green with yellowy edges. Deer love to feast on the leaves of hosta. The easiest way to prevent this is with an odor-based repellent spray or sprinkling human hair around your garden. Clip your hostas to the ground at the end of the summer to protect them from disease. A large ground cover of Hosta is a great way to fill out your garden.


A beautiful ball of color to add to your garden!

Peonies have very vibrant colors to them when adequately taken care of. Image courtesy of brecks

Sunlight: Full sun / Moderate Sun | Water: Weekly | Difficulty: Intermediate

These fragrant beauties of ample bloom will thrive for a century, given a sunny spot and well-drained soil. The light pink flowers of the Sarah Bernhardt variety are named for a legendary French actress stuffed with petals. The coral Charm variety is more orange and vibrant. A single plant may last for generations if planted in the right spot, with full sun and good air circulation. Unfortunately, peonies can suffer from the disease botrytis. Treat this by removing blackened buds which may be a sign of the disease. To prevent spreading, you should dispose of diseased materials in the trash rather than in your compost pile. Dead plant material is an excellent addition to your compost pile, but make sure it doesn’t have any seeds! Otherwise, you might have a flowery surprise next time you check your compost.

Blue Flag Iris

Image courtesy of thePondguy

Sunlight: Partial Shade | Water: Consistent  | Difficulty: Intermediate

Striking, violet-colored flowers bloom from late spring to early summer. Its leaves are sword-shaped and blue-green. The stems rise to over 2 feet, presenting 5 to 6 vivid blue blooms. They are hardy plants that prefer wet soil: in the wild, they are found near streams, swamps, or wet meadows. This iris will do best in full sun but tolerates partial shade. Birds, bees, and butterflies are attracted to the blue flag iris, but fortunately, deer are not. It is best to divide the plant after the bloom to propagate. Wear gloves when dividing this type of root, called a rhizome, which may cause skin irritation. Native to the Americas, the blue flag iris has been made the official flower of both U.S. states and Canadian provinces.


close-up of a purple allium
These purple dandelions are a fantastic addition to your garden and will draw your attention each time you walk through them. 

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Moderate | Difficulty: Beginner

Also known as ornamental onions, these purple spherical blooms stand tall and add an exciting contrast to your garden. The Forescate variety has pink globes while Nodding Pink offers a different look with dangling flowers. They thrive in full sun but tolerate areas in partial shade. Plant the bulbs in well-drained soil to avoid rotting. When planted in fall, they bloom the following spring. While waiting for fall, check out classes and events at the Holden Arboretum, near Cleveland, for events and classes.


Look like little yellow flower lilypads to add to make your garden more vibrant.

yellow yarrows
These flowers grow well in Ohio and will add a light, pleasant fragrance to your backyard all summer!

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Infrequent | Difficulty: Beginner

These sun-loving plants bloom from early to late summer. The tiny yellow flowers of the Coronation gold variety of yarrow (pictured) appear together in clumps at the top of the fragrant grey-green stalks. Yarrow will not spread aggressively. If you plant more than one plant, place the plants 1-2 feet apart to give them room to grow. Yarrow’s scientific name, Achillea millefolium, is drawn from the legend of Achilles, who used the plant to treat his soldiers’ wounds—inspired yet? Join the Garden Club of Ohio, which regularly hold tours and symposiums across the state. These larger flower plants are a great addition to primarily green landscaping to give your home a great curbside appeal.


red Shenandoah switchgrass
These grasses are perfect for landscaping! Courtesy of Northeast Pollinator Plants.

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Not needed | Difficulty: Beginner

Switch up the look of your garden with this fountain-shaped ornamental grass. They thrive in full sun and moist soil but tolerate partial shade and adapt to various soil conditions. In too much shade, the blades will lean and flop. They remain upright during winter but should be cut down before spring to make room for new growth. Rabbits, deer, and grasshoppers will not feast on Switchgrass. Pictured is Shenandoah switchgrass. This helpful plant is used as hay for cattle and has been observed by scientists for its biofuel poIn addition potential. It is often used to prevent erosion.

If you've never heard of switchgrass, it's ok. Go for a hike after reading this article to see if you can spot it.


yellow Goldenrod
This annual flower requires minimal maintenance and provides a beautiful setting for your garden's other flowers and shrubs. Just make sure to grab your box of tissues to help combat allergies as pollen flies through the wind.

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Weekly | Difficulty: Beginner

Surviving in various soil types, you can rely on the beautiful golden-yellow plumes of goldenrod to come back every year. They prefer full sun but will tolerate the shade. The golden fleece variety provides rich, thick spikes of bloom, while the Fireworks variety will give more lacy, delicate colors. They bloom in late summer and early fall, giving your garden a bright and warm season-end. In addition, they require no additional watering and attract butterflies to your landscape—plant goldenrod near a vegetable garden to draw harmful insects away from the crops.


Similar to a wort, these flowers are sticky and hard to remove from your clothing and hair if you get it in them.

blue Leadwort
These are a fantastic ground cover, perfect for large spaces and in-between your other, larger flowers and landscaping. 

Sunlight: Full sun / Partial shade | Water: Infrequent | Difficulty: Moderate

Blooming at the end of the season, leadwort’s, or plumbago’s, blue flowers contrast nicely with fall’s warm bursts of red and orange. Leadwort’s foliage will change alongside the trees while its flowers continue to bloom. Leadwort likes full sun or part shade. It tolerates a wide range of soil types and, given optimum conditions, will spread vigorously to create an attractive ground cover. Admittedly, leadwort is not a native plant. Learn more and shop for it here.

Bee Balm

red bee balm
This flower looks excellent up close, and you can add them to your favorite tea for some extra flavor! 

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Regular | Difficulty: Moderate

Another late summer beauty, bee balm thrives in full sun or part-shade. Keep soil moist to keep your bee balm healthy. The tubular flowers attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees to pollinate your garden. Deer do not eat bee balm, but you can: the edible leaves and flowers can be made into tea! Most flowers are between 2 and 4 feet tall, but dwarf varieties exist, which are great for the front of your garden or container gardens. Pick the flowers and trim back old blooms often to encourage new growth on the plant. Bee balm sometimes suffers from powdery mildew, prevented by planting in areas with good air circulation and treated by fungicide spray from any garden center.

Black-eyed Susan

A suitable name for this beautiful flower. Looking at the center, it is as if each of these flowers has an eye.

yellow Black-eyed Susan flowers
These plants are an excellent addition to your garden and can occupy a central portion, growing well and heartily in the warm season. 

Sunlight: Full sun / Partial shade | Water: Consistent | Difficulty: Moderate

Black-eyed Susans feature daisy-like blooms with yellow petals and conical black centers. This simple to care for and native wildflower can be found in prairies and open forests. Black-eyed Susans attract birds, butterflies, and bees. They prefer full sun and average to dry soil. Care includes clipping old blooms to strengthen the plant; this process also prevents the fast spreading of the Black-eyed Susan. Planting this flower near wildlife repellent plants like lavender or rosemary may keep animals such as deer or rabbits at bay.

Blue False Indigo

The purple coloring of the flower explains it all.

Image courtesy of Campbellsnursey

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Consistent | Difficulty: Moderate

Early colonists used this native wildflower as a dye. It will grow on average to moist soil as long as it is well-drained. Its delicate purple flowers bloom in late spring and early summer and require full to partial sun. The plant grows 3 to 4 feet tall and develops extensive root systems. The blooms rise above the clover-like base of foliage, whose clumps will slowly expand over time. When the colors are gone, black seed pods then decorate the plant, once used by children as rattles. These stems are used in dried flower arrangements.

Blue Vervain

These beauties have a unique display with how they grow along the plant's stem.

Image courtesy of Lurie garden

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Consistent | Difficulty: Advanced

Also known as American vervain, this plant is hardy and drought-resistant. They prefer average to moist soil and require full sun. Typically growing up to 2 and 4 feet, blue vervain can rise to 6 feet. The densely packed purple flowers are mounted on pencil-like spikes and bloom from mid to late summer. Bees and butterflies are attracted to the plant, and the seeds are a nutritious supplement for songbirds. This edible herb and its tea-form are known for health benefits such as anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and fighting insomnia.

Butterfly Weed

The shape that the petals display help attract butterflies and give the plant its name.

orange Butterfly Weed flowers
Butterflies are always drawn to this plant, making it a great one to observe the comings and goings of those creatures. 

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Consistent | Difficulty: Advanced

As its name reveals, butterfly weed attracts butterflies due to its abundant nectar production. The orange flower mainly attracts beautiful orange monarch butterflies. Blooming from mid to late summer, the flower requires full sun and thrives in poor, dry soil. If you wish to grow the flower from seed, you may not see blooms for the first couple of years. Its roots systems are deep and make transplanting difficult, so be sure to place the plant in its forever home. Remove old growth every spring to keep the plant healthy.

Cardinal Flower

These beauties not only brighten your garden up but are particularly inviting to butterflies to stop by.

black butterfly on red cardinal flowers
This brilliant flower pops in any setting and attracts some incredible Ohio butterflies! 

Sunlight: Full sun / Partial shade | Water: Lots | Difficulty: Moderate

The long, leafy stems of Cardinal flowers, or lobelia, grow 2 to 3 feet and produce vibrant red blooms. They are named after the traditional garb worn by the cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinal flowers prefer morning sun and afternoon shade. During dry spells, water the plant, so the soil is never completely dried out: it is found in the wild around streams, springs, and swamps. The tubular flowers have two upper petals and two lower petals. Most insects find this hard to navigate, so cardinal flowers rely on hummingbirds to pollinate.

Canadian Columbine

Unlike other flowers that thrive in the sun, these flowers are best kept in partial shade. Your partly covered porch or the windowsill of a room inside your house may be the best place to raise these flowers and enjoy their beauty. Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Sunlight: Partial shade | Water: Often | Difficulty: Beginner

The bell-shaped flowers are prized for their yellow and red color. They will wilt in the sun, so plant them in partial to full shade and prefer average to dry soil. Growing from 1 to 2 feet, they will not overpower other plants. Given proper growing conditions, they happily spread. Canadian columbine’s foliage turns maroon in the fall. This may be cut to the ground at the end of the season. This species of columbine is particularly resistant to leaf miner, which frequently damages other species and hybrids.

Culver’s Root

If you are trying to see if gardening is a potential hobby you want to get into, this is one of the best plants to add to your garden. Just be sure to water it and plant it somewhere in your garden that has a lot of sunlight access so the plant thrive can best. Image courtesy of thehighline

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Consistent | Difficulty: Beginner

1 The pale purple flowers of Culver’s root bloom for one month in midsummer, attracting bees and butterflies. They grow tall, sometimes reaching 7 feet, and require full sun. Culver’s root grows on average in moist soil. Remove old blooms to lengthen the bloom period. After flowering, cut down to its base foliage to increase the chances of a second bloom in the early fall. Culver’s root’s biological name is Veronicastrum virginicum, for St. Veronica, who in Christian legend gave her veil to Christ to wipe his forehead as he carried the cross.

Blazing Star

pink blazing star flowers
These incredible flowers are a bright, fantastic addition to your garden—an image courtesy of Gardener’s Path.

Sunlight: Full sun | Water: Moderate | Difficulty: Advanced

Give your garden’s butterflies a treat by planting Blazing Star or Liatris. This unique flower shoots plumes of purple or white flowers in late summer. It requires full sun and performs best in moist, fertile soil. The fluffy tops of the blooms give the plant its other common name, gayfeather. The leafy stems stand erect, and their leaves tend to become smaller toward the top. After blooming, the stalks stay erect but can be cut down to the base.

Gardening is a rewarding experience. A fun way to begin is by choosing plants that bloom during different summer periods. Check out this list of nurseries to find one in your region. Click here for more DIY ideas with your loved ones.

What are nurseries used for?

When you hear the word nurseries, many of us think of babies in bassinets crying for attention from their parents. However, the word nurseries are also often used in the gardening world. Now, what are nurseries, and what are they used for, you may be wondering. In the gardening world, nurseries tend to exist for people who want to start a garden, but don’t want to start from seeds. You can also buy supplies to help care for your existing gardens. Now I don’t know about you, but I am grateful that they exist. Gardening is one of those specialties where you either have the skill for it or you don’t. As you continue, you will learn about a few of the many nurseries in the Ohio area.

Nurseries Around Ohio

Image courtesy of thrustontalk

Scioto Gardens

3351 State Rte 37W | Delaware, OH 43015 | 

The plants at this nursery are specifically chosen to prosper in the central Ohio region. Open on holidays like Easter and Mother’s Day for all your last-minute gardening gift ideas.

Applewood Nursery & Landscaping

6274 S, 8998, OH-48 | Maineville, OH 45039 | 

For 44 years, Applewood has been growing 99% of the plants they sell onsite. Sowing these plants in local soils guarantees that they thrive in your garden.

East Oberlin Nursery & Garden

43974 OH-511 | Oberlin, OH 44074 | 

East Oberlin is the home of the Oberlin Scarecrow Fest in October.

Vogel's Nursery

10290 Old Dayton Rd | New Lebanon, OH 45345 | 

Vogel’s offers coupons and deals: visit their Facebook page to participate in some Facebook-only offers!

Garden Central

430 E Main Cross St | Findlay, OH 45345 | 

Garden Central in Findlay has been family operated since 1977. Shop for perennials and vegetables in spring and summer and holly and mistletoe during the Holidays.

Which Flowers Will You Plant This Year? 

There are such wide varieties of flowers that are perfect for Ohio gardens! Which are you planning on planting this year? Let us know in the comments! 

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