Staging to Sell: Surprising Ways to Boost Your Home's Appeal

modern living room



Jan 21, 2021

When it comes to selling your home, the age-old adage "first impressions matter" couldn't be more true. The way you present your property to potential buyers can make all the difference in attracting offers, driving up demand, and ultimately securing the best possible sale price. Yet, for many homeowners, the art of staging a home for sale remains a mystery, with many wondering where to start and what changes will truly make a lasting impact. 

The truth is, it's not just about decluttering and depersonalizing - there are many subtle yet powerful ways to showcase your home's best features, create an emotional connection with buyers, and outshine the competition. In this post, we'll reveal 10 surprising ways to boost your home's appeal, from clever lighting tricks to strategic furniture arrangements, and provide you with the expert insights you need to stage your home for sale and attract the offers you deserve.

Why Staging Matters: The Power of First Impressions

The age-old adage "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" couldn't be more true when it comes to selling your home. 

The moment potential buyers such as sell my house fast Owasso OK companies may step foot into your property, they begin to form an opinion - and it's an opinion that can make or break the sale. This is where staging comes in - a strategic and intentional process of presenting your home in its best possible light to captivate buyers and leave a lasting impression. By carefully curating the layout, decor, and overall ambiance of your home, you can create an emotional connection with potential buyers, making them more likely to envision themselves living there. 

In fact, according to the Real Estate Staging Association, staged homes sell 73% faster and for up to 10% more than their unstaged counterparts. By investing time and effort into staging your home, you can significantly increase its appeal and ultimately drive up its sale price. So, what are the secrets to staging success?

Decluttering 101: Letting Go of the Past to Sell Your Home

The art of decluttering - it's a daunting task, but a crucial one in the quest to sell your home. The harsh reality is that your treasured possessions, the ones that hold sentimental value and tell the story of your life, can be a major turnoff for potential buyers. Cluttered rooms, overflowing closets, and crowded countertops can make your home appear smaller, darker, and less inviting. It's time to let go of the past and focus on the future - the future of selling your home quickly and for top dollar.

Imagine walking into a model home, where every room is carefully curated to showcase its full potential. That's what you want to achieve. By decluttering and depersonalizing your space, you're creating a blank canvas that allows buyers to envision themselves living there. It's not about erasing your personal style, but about creating a neutral atmosphere that appeals to the masses. So, take a deep breath, and start sorting through those dusty trinkets, faded photos, and worn-out furniture. It's time to simplify, streamline, and let the beauty of your home shine through.

The Psychology of Color: How to Choose the Right Hues

When it comes to selling your home, the colors you choose can have a profound impact on potential buyers. The right hues can evoke emotions, create a sense of warmth and comfort, and even influence how buyers perceive the value of your property. On the other hand, the wrong colors can be a major turnoff. But how do you choose the right colors to appeal to the widest range of buyers?

The answer lies in understanding the psychology of color. Different colors can elicit different emotions and reactions, and some colors are more likely to appeal to buyers than others. For example, neutral colors like beige, gray, and off-white can create a sense of calmness and serenity, making buyers feel more at ease and allowing them to envision themselves in the space. On the other hand, bold colors like red and orange can be overwhelming and even stimulate feelings of anxiety.

By choosing the right colors, you can create a sense of flow and cohesion throughout your home, making it feel more inviting and appealing to potential buyers. For example, using a consistent color scheme throughout your home can create a sense of continuity and make the space feel larger. Additionally, using colors that complement the natural surroundings, such as earth tones in a natural setting, can help buyers feel more connected to the outdoors.

Ultimately, the key to choosing the right colors is to think about the emotions and feelings you want to evoke in potential buyers. By understanding the psychology of color and making strategic color choices, you can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that will appeal to the widest range of buyers and help your home sell quickly.

Lighting Up the Sale: How to Brighten Up Your Home

Lighting is often an overlooked aspect of home staging, but it can have a profound impact on the ambiance and appeal of your home. Imagine walking into a dark, dingy space versus a bright, airy one - which one would you rather call home? 

Proper lighting can make your home feel more spacious, inviting, and even luxurious. It's essential to create a sense of warmth and welcome, especially in areas like the living room and kitchen, where potential buyers will likely spend most of their time. To achieve this, consider replacing heavy drapery with sheer curtains, installing new light fixtures, and adding table lamps to create pools of warm light. 

Don't forget about the power of natural light - open curtains and blinds during viewings to let the sunshine in and make your home feel fresh and vibrant. By brightening up your home, you'll not only make it more attractive to potential buyers, but also create a sense of possibility and promise, helping them envision themselves living happily ever after in your home.

The Art of Neutralization: Removing Personal Touches

When it comes to selling your home, it's essential to remember that buyers need to be able to envision themselves living in the space. However, if your home is filled with personal touches, family photos, and bold decorative choices, it can be challenging for potential buyers to imagine themselves in the space. This is where the art of neutralization comes in.

Think of it as a form of "de-personalization." By removing personal items, such as family heirlooms, artwork, and sentimental trinkets, you can create a blank canvas that allows buyers to project their own style and tastes onto the space. This doesn't mean you have to strip your home of all character, but rather, tone down the personal touches that make it "your" home.

Neutralizing your space also means dialing back bold colors, patterns, and textures that may appeal to your personal taste but might be off-putting to potential buyers. Instead, opt for a calming, neutral color palette that will create a sense of serenity and make it easier for buyers to imagine themselves living in the space. By removing the distractions and creating a sense of calm, you can help buyers focus on the best features of your home and, ultimately, make it more appealing to a wider range of potential buyers.

Rearranging Your Furniture for Maximum Flow

The art of furniture arrangement - it's a crucial aspect of home staging that can make or break the flow of your space. When potential buyers walk through your doors, you want them to feel a sense of ease and fluidity, not a sense of claustrophobia or confusion. 

That's why rearranging your furniture for maximum flow is essential. By strategically placing your pieces, you can create a sense of openness, make rooms appear larger, and even draw attention to your home's best features. 

For example, consider creating a "pathway" through your living room by placing furniture in a way that guides visitors through the space. This will help them move naturally from one area to another, rather than feeling like they're navigating an obstacle course. 

Additionally, try to create a "breathing room" around each piece of furniture, avoiding cluttered or cramped arrangements that can make a room feel small. By doing so, you'll create a sense of calm and serenity, making your home feel like a welcoming oasis that buyers will be eager to call their own.

Bringing the Outdoors In: The Power of Plants and Flowers

As you prepare your home for sale, don't underestimate the transformative power of plants and flowers. Bringing the outdoors in can have a profound impact on the ambiance and appeal of your space. Not only do plants purify the air and create a sense of serenity, but they also add a touch of natural beauty and warmth to your decor. 

Strategically placing potted plants or vases filled with fresh flowers throughout your home can create a welcoming atmosphere that will leave potential buyers feeling at ease. Imagine walking into a bright and airy living room, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant blooms - it's the perfect way to evoke feelings of happiness and tranquility.

Plus, the vibrant colors and subtle scents of flowers can help distract from any imperfections in the space, drawing the buyer's attention to the home's best features. By incorporating plants and flowers into your staging, you can create a sense of calm and connection to nature, making your home feel more like a serene oasis than a mere structure.

The Surprising Impact of Scent on Home Buyers

The sense of smell is a powerful trigger, and when it comes to selling your home, it can be a game-changer. The aroma of freshly baked cookies or a simmering pot of coffee can evoke feelings of warmth and comfort, making potential buyers feel like they're already home. 

On the other hand, unpleasant odors from pets, mold, or last night's dinner can be a major turnoff. In fact, research suggests that a pleasant scent can increase the perceived value of a property and even influence a buyer's decision to make an offer. So, what scents should you use to make your home more appealing? 

Try using essential oils like lavender, vanilla, or citrus to create a welcoming atmosphere. You can also use scented candles, room sprays, or even bake some treats in the oven to fill your home with a mouthwatering aroma. Just remember to keep it subtle – you want to entice, not overwhelm. By using scent to your advantage, you can create an emotional connection with potential buyers and make your home stand out from the competition.

Using Mirrors to Create the Illusion of More Space

The strategic placement of mirrors can be a game-changer when it comes to creating the illusion of more space in your home. This clever staging trick is especially effective in smaller rooms, dark corners, and narrow hallways. By carefully positioning mirrors, you can create a sense of depth and width, making your home feel more spacious and airy. For example, a mirror placed opposite a window will reflect natural light and make the room feel brighter and more expansive. 

A mirror hung at the end of a hallway can create the illusion of a longer, more grand corridor. And, a mirrored wall in a small room can create a sense of infinity, making the space feel larger than it actually is. By thoughtfully incorporating mirrors into your staging strategy, you can create a sense of openness and flow that will make your home feel more inviting and appealing to potential buyers.

Common Staging Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to staging your home, it's just as important to know what not to do as it is to know what to do. Avoiding common staging mistakes can make all the difference in attracting potential buyers and securing a sale. One of the most critical mistakes homeowners make is failing to declutter and depersonalize their space. Leaving personal items, family photos, and cluttered shelves can make it difficult for buyers to envision themselves living in the home. Another mistake is neglecting to address needed repairs and maintenance, such as leaky faucets or outdated lighting fixtures. These issues can raise red flags and lead buyers to wonder what other problems might be lurking beneath the surface. Additionally, over-accessorizing or over-staging can make a space feel cluttered and overwhelming, while under-staging can make it feel empty and uninviting. By being aware of these common mistakes, you can avoid common pitfalls and create a warm, welcoming atmosphere that will draw buyers in and make them want to stay.


The million-dollar question: will all this staging effort really pay off? The answer is a resounding yes. According to the Real Estate Staging Association, homes that are staged sell, on average, 73% faster than their unstaged counterparts. But that's not all - staged homes also command higher sale prices. In fact, a study by the National Association of Realtors found that staged homes sell for up to 10% more than unstaged homes. That's a significant chunk of change, especially when you're talking about a major investment like a home.

But why does staging have such a profound impact on a home's sale price? It all comes down to perception. When a home is staged, it looks more spacious, more modern, and more luxurious. Buyers can envision themselves living in the space, and that emotional connection is what drives them to make an offer. On the other hand, an empty or cluttered home can be a major turnoff, leaving buyers feeling uninspired and unmotivated.

By investing a little time and effort into staging your home, you can reap significant financial rewards. So, don't underestimate the power of a few well-placed throw pillows and a fresh coat of paint. It could be the difference between a mediocre sale and a truly remarkable one

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