Positive COVID-19 News Amid the Chaos
Although we are in a global pandemic and among the negative news in the media, there is some positive news to keep your spirits up.

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COVID-19, otherwise known as the Coronavirus has been named a global pandemic, infecting millions of people with no known cure. Although doctors and researchers are in the process of developing a vaccine, many countries have been put into lockdown to ensure that the disease doesn’t spread any further.
Lockdown has consisted of government officials telling citizens to stay indoors and quarantine themselves, and have promoted social distancing with doing your normal, everyday activities in self-isolation. To avoid infecting others if you are sick, or if you have potentially contracted the disease, doctors are recommending that you stay indoors and at least six feet away from people if you have to go outside for any reason.
This news might seem really depressing and restricting to lots of people, but among the chaos, there is some positive news to be heard. The coronavirus is terrifying and it’s even scarier to see how quickly it is being spread, but here is some positive news to lift your spirits during the global pandemic.
There are 20 New Coronavirus Vaccines in Development
We’re getting closer every single day for a cure to this pandemic!
The World Health Organization (WHO) officials have confirmed that they are working all around the world with doctors that are helping to create a vaccine for the coronavirus and they have upwards of twenty different vaccines in development. The vaccines for the disease started to come into development just sixty days after the first outbreak in Wuhan, China.

WHO officials have also confirmed that these vaccines are also being tested on a number of American volunteers in Seattle, Washington. These vaccines are being tested on individuals that are eager to see a change in the global pandemic and to be able to help give back to their community by helping to contribute to the research with the disease.
One of the volunteers, 43-year-old Jennifer Haller, a mother of two teenagers, was one of the first volunteers to be delivered the first rounds of the vaccine. After being interviewed by AP reporters, she describes “feeling great” after the first initial rounds of the vaccine and says that it was a great opportunity to be able to help the community and give back. This is something to look forward to as we progress in this pandemic with knowing that doctors and researchers are constantly looking for a cure and the hope that one will arrive soon.
The Severity of Pollution has Plummeted Since COVID-19 Arrived
Even though it continues to be a problem throughout the world, the disease has helped to lower the amount we see everyday.
With the help of many countries going into lockdown and promoting self-isolation and social distancing and avoiding going to places where there could be large groups of people, pollution throughout the world has plummeted to an all time low.

Over the last few weeks, satellite imaging has shown significant deductions in air pollution, which will help to lower the overall pollution all around the world. Although the lower numbers of air pollution have mainly been shown to be in large states and cities in the United States, such as California, New York City, and Seattle, it has helped to make a big impact in the world.
With the increasingly lowered air pollution, environmental scientists are measuring that up 75,000 lives will be saved from premature deaths. Satellite imaging has shown less nitrogen dioxide in the air that comes from the burning of fuel and from cars, trucks, working equipment, and even power plants. Since people are following government orders and staying indoors, people are only going outside to drive their car, or take the bus when they need to go to the store, or for other necessities. This is overall helping the environment of the Earth and is helping in the long run by saving lives.
Nobel Prize Winner that Predicted COVID-19 Says “We’re Going to Be Fine”
Michael Levitt, a biophysicist, says that we are going to survive and we need to control the worldwide panic over the disease.
Stanford biophysicist and Nobel Prize Winner for developing complex chemical models of calculation, says that we are going to survive COVID-19, but expresses that the mass worldwide panic is what we need to control. Since predicting China’s recovery shortly after the virus started, he has predicted that the rest of the world will be able to bounce back from this global pandemic.

While many doctors and researchers are predicting that it may be months, or even years before the coronavirus finally goes away, Levitt predicts that as long as we continue to self isolate and practice social distancing, we are going to be okay. He was able to look at data from 78 countries that said they had 50 new cases of the coronavirus everyday and he was able to see “signs of recovery” every single day in most of them.
Levitt is urging people to listen to their government officials and maintain social distancing and saying that it is critical that we follow the rules that follow. He advises to stay away from large group gatherings where lots of germs can be spread around and because the world population has no immunity to the disease, since it is so new. Although a vaccine may be many months away, it is important to self-isolate if you are feeling sick and to continue to practice social distancing. Levitt assures that “we’re going to be fine” and that we should follow the rules until a vaccine is found.
Companies and Countries are Opening Up New Forms of Mass Entertainment While in Quarantine
Online services are making their services free to the public, and to homeowners are broadcasting movies using projectors outside their house!
Since being stuck in quarantine, we are forced to enjoy the four walls of our house and the activities we have available to us indoors. For many of us, that includes watching tons of movies and TV shows to pass the time using online streaming services, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and many others. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, many online streaming services have made their services free to the public for people to enjoy while in isolation, or people are projecting movies onto other surrounding buildings to allow people that live in the vicinity of them to enjoy them as well.

Amazon has taken a big step since the outbreak and has unlocked 40 new children’s shows for kids that are currently staying at home and doing online school sessions. Kids from all over the globe can stream any of these TV shows that also come in six different languages to help them continue to be kids. This goes for all Amazon users for free even if you don’t have a Prime account. Audible has also released many free audiobooks for users to stream on multiple different devices.

Over 2,500 art museums and galleries have also partnered up with Google to give free virtual tours of their collections for art lovers all around the world. These virtual tours are set up like looking at Google’s “street view” feature, which allow you to explore world famous art museums in the comfort of your own home and for free. Some of the museums that are a part of this are Musée d’Orsay in Paris, the Rijksmuseum in the Netherlands, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, and many more. People are also able to look through a list of zoos and aquariums that are doing the same thing and offering live streams of all of their furry, scaley, or feathery friends!
More than 100,000 Have Already Recovered From COVID-19 Worldwide
Although the media portrays a large number of people being infected with the disease, many more are recovering or have already recovered!
According to research from John Hopkins University, more than 100,000 people who were infected with COVID-19 have made full recoveries out of the 530,000 cases worldwide. Doctors and researchers are hoping that this number continues to increase with the potential treatments for patients that are suffering from the disease.

There has also been a rumor that many older people are dying of the disease. Although they are most susceptible to the coronavirus, people as old as 90 have been able to make a full recovery of the disease.
Cities in China are now also able to slowly reopen shops, restaurants, and other places to the public since the number of coronavirus cases have slowed down drastically. Since the slowing down of the coronavirus in China, there are less than ten infections that are reported each day, and many doctors are hoping that the same happens in other countries in the coming months. With how serious this issue has become over the past few months, there are signs of people making full recoveries, so there is hope that this pandemic will eventually pass.
Celebrities and Businesses Have Contributed Millions to Help the Cause
Millions of Dollars Have Been Donated to People Who are Sick with COVID-19
From celebrities such as Chef Jose Andres to Bill Gates, millions of dollars have been donated to find the treatment and to do further research for the coronavirus. Celebrities such as Ryan Reynolds and his wife Blake Lively have donated one million dollars to Feeding America and Food Banks Canada to support people affected with the virus that are struggling to pay for food. Reynolds also took the time to go to social media and encourage his fans to do the same and give what they can, and for all of his fans to take care of themselves.

Feeding America is a network of over 200 food banks that provide food for people who are suffering from COVID-19, struggling to obtain food, and also people who have lost their job due to the outbreak of the virus. People within Feeding America are working tirelessly to provide for people who are struggling due to the pandemic and are grateful for the amount of donations that celebrities and other people are giving them to support others who are struggling.
Even country singer star, Brad Paisley, paid for and is in the process of making a grocery store that will soon be open for people who are hungry due to the coronavirus outbreak. “The Store”, the name that it will be called upon opening, is set to open up at the end of the year in Nashville, Tennessee. The Store will be open to the public and everything in it is free, so hungry families will not pay anything to have their next meal.
COVID-19 is Making People Kinder to One Another
No matter where you look, people have been nicer to each other since the start of the coronavirus.
Since the start of the coronavirus, people have been proving to be nicer to one another and giving back in any way that they can. For example, people have been supporting small and local businesses by using delivery apps such as Uber Eats and Grubhub, to support local restaurants that are still trying to make a profit. Small businesses have also been able to give back and make grocery deliveries to elderly neighbors that are in self-isolation.
Social media has also made a huge impact on the coronavirus scare throughout the world. Instead of separating people, social media has been able to unite millions of people together to support one another during the crisis. People are able to turn to social media for support and comfort during the pandemic to ease their minds from the ongoing issue and spread of the disease.
Even though COVID-19 is a serious issue worldwide, there is positive news being spread among the mass of negative news that is being produced. While the media likes to focus on the negative news to further scare people and make it seem like we will never make it out of this pandemic, there is a hope that it will soon be over. By abiding to the government recommendations of social distancing and self isolating if you feel sick, COVID-19 can become a thing of the past. Although many people are being affected by the coronavirus, just remember that there are doctors and researchers working every day to find a vaccine. Just stay strong and know that we are going to get through this!