Our Favorite COVID-19 Quarantine Memes
These memes are sure to keep your spirits up and maybe even bring a laugh or two during social distancing and quarantine!

Sometimes we all need a laugh--especially during the uncertain times of the COVID-19 pandemic. They say that laughter is the best medicine to keep your mood up, and who couldn’t use an extra dose of funny memes than at a time like this? While we can’t get together and laugh at these memes with our friends, we can share them over social media and enjoy a laugh while staying in the safety of our homes.
All of these memes aren’t real estate related, but we’re pretty sure you’ll still enjoy reading and sharing them all the same.
When You Head to Closing During Quarantine...

Even if you aren’t in the real estate business, you can appreciate the humor of a meme like this. Sometimes it feels like we have to put on a full suit of protection to feel safe when we leave the house! If you are searching for a home at this time or looking to sell yours, check out our blog post on how to stage a virtual tour of your home.
My Beauty Routine Has Been Completely Disrupted

This one is for all of us who have had to give up on visits to the nail salon, our favorite hair stylist, and all those estheticians who keep our brows waxed and our eyelashes looking long and beautiful. Don’t forget that you’re still beautiful, and consider using this time in quarantine to learn how to do a little extra self-care.
Do You Even Remember Visiting Restaurants?

One of the hardest hit industries during the COVID-19 quarantine are restaurants and bars, but by stepping up with pickup and delivery services, they’re still open for employees to work and for customers to get some delicious food. If you can’t remember what it’s like to go to a restaurant, consider ordering online from one of your favorites--it won’t be the same, but at least you can pretend!
Unbelievably Accurate Four Horsemen Meme

While we’ve all been feeling a little off lately, there isn’t another meme out there that more accurately sums up what we can feel on any given day! In fact, a lot of us feel all four of these emotions on a daily basis. That’s okay, because just remember, we’re all going through this, so let’s be sure to be kind to each other!
We’re All Dealing with Quarantine in Our Own Way

We’re still getting used to not seeing our friends and family on a daily basis, let alone even leaving the house. For some people, it’s brought them closer together, but for others, it’s proven to be a little more difficult. Thankfully we have the timeless Bert and Ernie to let us know that it’s okay to miss connecting to people in person, but we can still always call, text, or video chat!
Zoom is Keeping us Safe and Sane

If we didn’t use Zoom or Facetime before the COVID-19 quarantine, we most definitely are now. It’s reassuring to know that in one form or another, this type of communication has always been around, evidenced by Hollywood Squares. What a great way to keep your distance and still play a fun game with your friends!
The Trials of Working from Home

With almost everyone who can (except for essential employees) working from home these days, a lot of us are making due with new office environments. On some days that might be the couch or the dining room table, which doesn’t provide the same kind of support as an office chair. But hey, you can always do an online exercise or yoga class after work to help with your back!
Always Practice Good Hygiene

One of the best ways to keep yourself and others safe is to practice social distancing, stay at home when you feel sick, and wash your hands. Although many of us do this on a daily basis (multiple times per day), it seems like people just weren’t doing it enough. This is why the Center for Disease Control (CDC) lists this as one of essential ways you can help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Remember, when in doubt, wash your hands!
The Best Around at Social Distancing

We can debate whether or not Bigfoot actually exists, or we can just recognize what a champ he’s been at social distancing like this meme. You’ll never see this guy within miles of other people, and any of the “photographs” we have of him are from a safe distance. We don’t even find his footprints until at least the next day! There is no evidence that he regularly washes his hands though…
Choose Your House Wisely

Although you may have had to put your moving plans on hold, you can still contemplate what house you would hypothetically move into and share while going through the coronavirus quarantine. There are an endless amount of variations of this meme, but we thought the dog one was one of the best out there. They’re all good doggos, so no matter your choice, you win!
Please Stay at Home

Everyone is encouraged to stay at home and practice safe social distancing at this time. But to all of the essential employees such as healthcare workers, grocery store, gas station, and pharmacy employees-- as well as delivery drivers-- thank you for helping us get through this quarantine! As for the real estate agents, staying home is a better, safer option.
Where Did All the Toilet Paper Go?

One of the most elusive items on grocery store shelves is toilet paper, with people panic buying and stocking up like it’s nobody’s business. Thankfully stores have been working hard to try and get their shelves stocked with this essential personal item. While we might not see fully stocked aisles of toilet paper for a while, it’s comforting to know that someday we will.
This is Starting to Sound Familiar

While we’ve been in quarantine, it can start to feel like the days are running together--everyone’s at home and we can’t do the same things that we used to. But by staying at home, we’re doing our part to keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. So continue to get up each day, do your work from home, learn a new skill--or practice an old one-- and be sure to stay active!
Hopefully these quarantine memes have brought a smile to your face and allowed you to forget about quarantine and the pandemic, at least for a little while. Let us know what your favorite meme is in the comments!