Is Bus Shelter Advertising Worth It?

When it comes to finding ways of advertising on a mass scale, it can be hard for businesses to know how to best spend their marketing budget. However, the fact that people are so much more connected through advancements in communications and technology has created a unique situation for businesses wanting to grow their brands.
Marketing has always been on the cutting edge of the business world, as companies need to stay updated on how people communicate. However, with the rise in prominence of social media, and the access to giant search engines like Google, the way that people are reached with a message has changed. Now that the average customer has access to seemingly limitless information, competitors, and reviews, companies must get creative with how they stand out from their competition.
While the digital world has brought its fair share of challenges to the table of marketing, certain methods of advertisement have stood the test of time and continue to do so. One of these methods still used today and have incredible results is OOH, which stands for Out Of Home media. One method of OOH is bus shelter advertising, and this article will look at what OOH is and if bus shelter advertising could be right for you!
The World of OOH Media
So let’s first establish what OOH media is before diving into the specifics of bus shelter advertising. Out-of-home media is one of the oldest forms of marketing that has been used in several different societies over the decades. As long as people have been able to make signs that communicate a branded message to a generalized audience, OOH media has been used. The most famous example of this kind of advertisement is billboards.
Billboards are massive signs that sit along highways and busy roads. They carry a branded message that can reach thousands of people a day. Several different kinds of OOH media can be used to spread brand awareness in a marketing campaign.
What Are the Advantages of OOH?
When it comes to figuring out if OOH media is something you should use or not, there are a couple of things to consider. First, this particular marketing strategy has benefits that make it extremely attractive for certain companies looking to expand their branding on a large scale. What’s interesting about OOH media is how effective it continues to be despite the massive changes that society has seen because of technological advancements like the internet and cell phones.
High Scale Advertisement - Low-Maintenance
One of the most significant advantages of effective OOH media is that it is a low-maintenance way of reaching an incredible amount of people. One sign, placed at a point of high traffic volume, has the chance t expose a brand to thousands of people, both day and night.
Brand Credibility
Another advantage of OOH media is the brand credibility that it brings. The biggest, most trusted brands worldwide have used this form of marketing which helps to bring credibility to the advertisement method. When you put your brand on effective, high-quality OOH media, it helps to establish brand credibility with potential and existing customers.
What is Bus Shelter Advertising?
When it comes to ways of using OOH media, bus shelter advertising is an effective method of accomplishing both national and localized or regional advertisements. Bus shelter advertisements are simply advertising panels placed in bus shelters at eye level. The concept behind this advertising method is straightforward, and it’s effective for spreading brand awareness on a large scale.
What Kinds of Bus shelter Advertising Are There?
Regarding the types of bus shelter advertising, there are two general kinds, analog and digital. Digital OOH, also called DOOH, media utilizes high-resolution digital panels and can even use sound and special effects to get more attention.
Who Can Use Bus Shelter Advertising?
Bus shelter advertising is unique in that it can be used by national and local or regional advertisement campaigns. A busy city bus station is a beautiful place to help grow local brand awareness by targeting commuters that are unique to a geographical area. This is an excellent way for a local company to gain brand awareness inside their city and for national campaigns to market to specific areas.
Bus shelter advertisement is a low-maintenance way of gaining brand exposure on a massive scale while also helping to establish brand credibility. This makes it a powerful way of marketing that can drive your brand awareness forward in practical ways.