How to Rent an Apartment with Bad Credit in Ohio?

Moving to a new place is a complicated process for everyone. Looking for a new property, signing a contract, and buying furniture is only a small part of the steps you need to take.

a couple receives a house key



Jan 21, 2021

The procedure is especially difficult for international students and employees, unemployed, bankrupts, people with outstanding debts, and other categories of individuals with less-than-perfect credit scores. 

Bad credit significantly impacts your chance of getting approved by a potential landlord. A lower credit score makes you a risky renter regardless of your financial situation. How to rent an apartment with bad credit in Ohio? Keep reading the article to explore the best ways to get approved by a landlord without a good payment history. 

How to Rent an Apartment with Bad Credit and No Cosigner?

While most landlords require a co-signer if a renter has a low credit score, finding an option with no guarantor or co-signer is still possible. If you are looking for an answer to ‘How to rent in Ohio with bad credit?’ the advice below is right for you. 

#1. Pay More Money Upfront 

A poor credit score often makes you a riskier renter for your landlord. Therefore, it is essential to prove your financial situation allows you to pay rent. Private landlords usually require making the first month’s rent payment and paying a security deposit to move to the property. Offering a higher security deposit or making more rent payments upfront may help you look more reliable for a landlord if you have a low credit score.

As finding money for a larger deposit may be problematic, many people apply for financial support from online lenders and lending companies. 15M Finance is a loan service that aims to connect you with a reliable loan provider that can provide you with the necessary loan amount. If you lack funds for a deposit, you can borrow them online and receive cash in your bank account within a business day. 

#2. Consider a Roommate 

While finding an apartment with a bad credit history may be problematic, you can find a roommate or roommates to share a rent payment with. Try to find people with good credit scores and show their credit reports to the landlord first. 

Alternatively, you can move in with someone who already lives in the property. This option allows you to avoid a hard credit check and make on-time rent payments to your roommate. The most important thing is to ensure subletting is permitted in the lease agreement.

This option is an excellent way to save money on renting, as sharing a property with another person is always cheaper. However, if you can’t pay for your apartment immediately and your low credit score disables you from borrowing money, you can apply for 1,000-dollar loans with bad credit from online lenders. They will provide you with a guaranteed loan decision within several hours and allow you to receive the money within 24 hours. This small loan is sufficient to pay for your first month's rent.  

#3. Provide Supporting Documents and References

Providing supporting documentation and references is necessary for every renter with a bad credit score. Reference letters from your previous landlords, employers, or professors can tell an owner more about you and your reliability. 

You can add your rent payment history to ensure your landlord there will be no missed payments. It would also be great to provide a snapshot of your account balances and the confirmation of your on-time bill and utility payments. 

Individual landlords want to ensure you have a stable job and a steady income. Therefore, it is essential to add your recent pay stubs, bank statements, or W-2s as confirmation of your employment. You can also prove your on-time utility payments to show you are a reliable renter. 

#4. Choose Apartments with No Credit Check 

While most property management companies require hard credit checks before renting apartments in their complexes, you can find a private landlord with lower credit requirements than renters. Many individual landlords don’t conduct hard credit checks and can rent you a property regardless of your credit history. Although such apartments are often less attractive, they can help you build your credit score and prove you are a trustworthy renter.

As renting an apartment is always costly, you may need financial support to manage your payment. Many online lenders can provide borrowers with no credit check loans with guaranteed approval decisions. They typically have a simple application process without unnecessary documentation, allowing you to receive the amount quickly and stress-free. The most essential thing is to find a reliable loan provider with a reasonable interest rate and a convenient loan term. 

#5. Pay by Direct Deposit 

A landlord is more likely to rent a property with a poor credit history if you pay rent through automatic transfer. It is a safer option for a landlord, as they can be sure they will get the monthly payment from your checking account. 

#6. Ensure You Can Afford the Apartment 

It is crucial to make sure you can afford your future apartment. Your monthly rent should not exceed 25-30% of your budget. A property manager pays attention to your financial stability and may consider you a risky renter if a property’s price contains a more significant part of your monthly income. Making on-time monthly payments is an excellent way to improve your credit score, as your potential landlords may report your payments to the major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion). A good rental history can help you during your next rental application. Finding a property is more complicated if your previous landlord reported your late few months' rent payments. Therefore, it is essential to look for an apartment you can pay on time. 

Rent with a Co-Signer or Guarantor 

When it is difficult to rent an apartment with bad credit, finding a co-signer or guarantor can be the only solution. A co-signer is a person (a family member or a friend) who agrees to be responsible for your apartment rental payments. A co-signer means a higher level of protection for a potential landlord if you have problems with paying rent. However, it is risky for your parents or friends, as it can hurt their credit score, increase their debt-to-income ratio (DTI), and break your personal relations.

A guarantor works similarly to a co-signer, but in the case of a borrower’s default to pay rent, they take their financial obligations. As this option involves a high risk for a guarantor, it is essential to discuss all the details before signing a rental agreement.  

What do Landlords Look for in a Credit Report?

A credit report is one of the most essential things for every landlord. It not only consists of information about your credit score but also shows your financial behavior over time. When they perform a credit check, they pay attention to the following factors: 

Credit Score. It is crucial to be upfront about credit issues when looking for an apartment. Landlords check your credit report to assess your credit score. As they are more likely to rent a property to a person with a good credit history, it may be necessary to improve your credit before applying. 

Rental History. A rental history shows the landlord your late or missing payments, breaches of lease agreements, evictions, and other important factors. Many landlords report these to three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion). 

Employment History. Your credit report contains information about your previous and current employers. It usually occurs if they were referenced in credit or loan applications.

Outstanding Debts. Both private landlords and large property managers pay attention to your current and previous debts to determine your debt-to-income ratio (DTI). The capability to manage your debts increases your chance of getting approved. Landlords may also be interested in checking whether you have excessive credit card debt, repossessed cars, etc. 

Payment Track Record. The record demonstrates your punctuality in paying utility bills and making other payments. Late and missed payments dent your chance of securing a lease agreement. 

Bankruptcy Status. Filing bankruptcy stays on people’s credit reports for around ten years. It plays an important role when a private landlord or a property management company makes a decision about renting you a property. They pay attention to whether the canceled debt was from a former landlord. 

Recent Criminal History. Many landlords want to know who they rent the apartment to and do not stop accessing your credit report. They check your criminal history, and a crime may result in denying your application despite your good credit score.

Income History. Every landlord wants to be sure you can pay rent on time. They check your income history to ensure you receive funds regularly. 

The Bottom Line

Although your credit score plays an essential role in renting an apartment, it is still possible to get approved by a landlord with bad credit. Property management companies pay attention to factors such as steady income, employment, rental history, etc. If you meet their requirements and look like a reliable renter, you can rent a property with a low credit score in Ohio. 


Who Is a Co-Signer for an Apartment? 

A co-signer is a person who takes legal responsibility for your rent payments. Co-signers typically have a good credit score, which increases a renter’s chance of being approved by a landlord. 

What Is the Minimum Credit Score to Rent an Apartment?

Most landlords accept applicants with a FICO (Fair Isaac Corporation) credit score range of 650 and higher. It may be necessary to get a free credit report to see your approval chances. 

Does a Low Credit Score Disqualify Me? 

No, a low credit score does not automatically disqualify you from renting a property. Although it is better to have good credit, you can still get approved if you offer a larger security deposit, sign a contract with a guarantor or co-signer, and prove your monthly income and employment status. 

How to Improve My Credit Score? 

You need to check your credit report to see whether there are any errors there. Then, you can improve your credit score by making on-time payments, paying off outstanding debts, keeping your credit utilization ratio low, etc.

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