How to Make Your Property Attractive to Renters?

Do you know there are many other ways in addition to your regular job or business to earn some extra money? And one of them is having a rental property. But you have to find suitable tenants to fill your rental property; otherwise, it is of no use. 

a house with snow on the ground



Jan 21, 2021

When you have decided to turn your second home into a long-term rental, you need to find out the ways to make it attractive to the potential tenants to earn the money you want. Make the property as inviting as possible by including modern conveniences so that your tenants will stay for longer periods. What more can you do? Let’s find out. 

Boost the curb appeal.

The curb appeal plays a huge role in making your property attractive to the renters. Do you have the skills of landscape maintenance? If yes, it's time to use them. And if not, you can hire someone to spruce up your rental property. Does the fences or driveway of your rental property need some care? Is the outside lighting in bad shape? If the answer to both these questions is yes, get started with maintaining them and giving an aesthetic finish to your property. 

Maintaining the property in the best shape not only helps attract the tenants but also gives you the freedom to charge the rent as per your wish. The maintenance also allows you to increase rent when required so you can charge rent as per your choice. For instance, you cannot deny that you have to adjust the prices according to the inflation rates. And maintaining your property gives you an edge over others. When the prospective tenants see that you have maintained the property from the outside in the right manner, it makes a good impression on them. And they start assuming that the inside of the property will be as good as the outside. 

Digitize the marketing for your property.

The millennial generation has wholeheartedly adopted technological innovation and is making the most of it. The sky's the limit when it comes to marketing in this social media-driven world. Millennials want to get every information at their fingertips. This makes it all the more important for landlords to leverage the power of the digital world and achieve the results they want. 

If you are of the notion that only putting a “vacant” sign at the front door will do the needful, you need to think again. Don’t forget to promote your rental property digitally and on social media to capture the attention of the millennials. 

Security upgrades

You have the responsibility of making tenants feel safe in their new home. At the same time, you also want to give them a welcoming feel. Adding security upgrades is the answer to your doubts. You can install floodlights at the front of the backyard to prevent intruders from entering it. Replace the short screws on the doors with the long ones, if any. Install durable deadbolts. 

A security system assures the tenants that they are safe. Install the security cameras and let your tenants know where you have installed them. Because if the tenants are unaware of where the cameras are, it is you who is breaking the law. And the tenants can take legal action against you. Thus, inform your tenants while installing the camera. Besides, it also helps you attract potential tenants. 

Overhead lighting

The simplest way to entice the tenants with your rental property is to add overhead lighting to it. Including stylish overhead lighting to illuminate the rooms with a soft glow gives a welcoming feel to your property. 

If it is challenging to install overhead lighting due to the wiring of the home, you can go for the plug-in wall sconces. 

Remodel the bathrooms

Bathrooms also deserve attention. Suppose you are a tenant living in a property; what is the thing that turns you off in a bathroom? Are there any storage cabinets in the bathroom? Is there adequate lighting? What extra can you do to make the bathroom more functional? Write the answers to these questions and take those measures for the bathroom. 

Sometimes, all your bathroom needs is a coat of paint. Washing the windows from the inside out can enliven the space by putting in only a few efforts and not spending a fortune. Aim to make a good presentation of your rental property to attract a good rental amount from the renters. 

Energy-efficient appliances

Energy-efficient appliances are said to reduce energy bills, which every tenant is going to appreciate. Moreover, nowadays, millennials are more concerned about adopting energy-saving or green methods. 

Landlords must ensure that they have included the appliances with high performance according to the modern standards to save on energy consumption. As a result, this will improve your standard as a landlord plus attract more potential tenants.

To make a long story short

Making a rental property attractive to the renters is not daunting if you know what exactly they want. The above-mentioned ways will give you a good headstart to make your property ready for the tenants. Thus, stand out from the crowd and attract and retain the right tenants.

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