How often have you found yourself facing a mammoth cleaning operation, wishing that you had spent more time cleaning on a regular basis rather than saving it up for one long and drawn-out task? This is just one of the many mistakes that homeowners, tenants, landlords, and commercial building owners make when it comes to cleaning – with a lack of basic maintenance and upkeep simply serving to make the job harder and longer when it finally does come around.
In this blog, our team have compiled a list of ways to improve your cleaning habits, so that you can enjoy a clean and fresh interior space all year round - only needing to engage the services of a professional cleaning company once or twice a year.

Cleaning mistakes that (almost) all people make
When it comes to cleaning an interior space, whether it’s a home, office, or other commercial sites, the biggest mistake is a lack of maintenance and general upkeep. Focussing on small cleaning jobs on a regular basis helps you to keep on top of the site as a whole, rather than saving it all for one big, overwhelming cleaning session.
Another big mistake that people make lies in what they choose to clean, with many focusing on their floors and surfaces but neglecting the soft furnishings and linens – including curtains, sofas, rugs, and more. Remember that dust collects on all fabrics as well as other surfaces and that just because you can’t see the dust in the folds of the fabric, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Other common mistakes that people make when it comes to their cleaning habits include:
- Washing windows on a sunny day. Generally, when the sun shines you can see grime and debris on your windows most clearly, causing many people to reach for their window cleaner. However, on a sunny day, the product you use tends to dry quicker than you can wipe it, leaving streaks. Wait for a cloudy and cooler day before you tackle windows!
- Believing that the only things that need cleaning are those that are visibly dirty. If a surface shows signs of dust, then it is obviously in need of cleaning – but make sure you pay attention to those surfaces which look clean but may be harbouring bacteria, germs, chemicals, or even mites and other unwanted sources of dirt.
- Failing to use the right products. Investing in products and cleaning supplies for each and every surface in your home can feel like overkill, however, that doesn’t mean you should use dish soap for every cleaning job. Specific materials need specific chemicals and cleaning implements – and if in doubt you should leave these areas to the experts.
How to improve your cleaning routine and habits
The first tip for achieving a clean, hygienic, and aesthetically pleasing home is regular maintenance and upkeep. The more you can integrate quick cleaning sessions into your routine, whether it’s running the vacuum throughout the house or wiping the surfaces of each room regularly, the easier it will be to keep on top of dust, grime, and even debris and mess.
Another tip that comes directly from our team of professional cleaners is the importance of tidiness in making it easy to keep your home or interior space clean. We all know how difficult it is to clean around and underneath furnishings, with tidying your home is important for making this process as easy as possible. Whether it’s cleaning yourself or engaging the services of a professional company, the clearer the space the easier it is to clean.
Finally, don’t be afraid to invest in the help of a cleaning company on a semi-regular basis – using them to supplement and provide a really deep clean atop the existing routine that you follow in and around your own home. Generally, professional cleaning companies have industry-leading and high-standard tools and equipment which makes cleaning more accessible and more effective than what can be achieved with at-home products – so keep your favoured local cleaning company on hand for a top-up clean every 6 months or so.
Remember, a tidy home makes cleaning easier, and a clean home leads to a more aesthetically pleasing, hygienic, safer space to live in.