
How Much Do Movers Cost?



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Whether you plan to get a new place in an entirely different state or the same city, moving will always be stressful. There's just so much to do! You have to organize your items, buy the packing materials, and make sure everything goes smoothly.

On top of your other responsibilities, this can be downright overwhelming! That's why many decide that hiring a moving company is the best option.

But how much does hiring moving companies cost? The professional and experienced movers at goborntomove.com will give you an insight into how their services are priced. They'll also provide tips on how to keep the costs down.

Factors That Affect Pricing

How much do your average movers cost? There's a lot that goes into pricing strategies. Many considerations are taken into account before companies can give you a quote. Here are the major ones:

1. Existing Market Price

No matter the industry, a company will always consider what their competitors are offering when they calculate their pricing. So, if you've gotten pricing from multiple movers, you'll notice that none of them are drastically higher or lower than the rest. 

A company that's fully booked will be more likely to set a higher rate. The same goes for a more established company. Having proven their reliability, they can charge extra because they can guarantee peace of mind. Meanwhile, those who are new to the business may offer discounts to get positive client reviews. 

2. Timing

With pricing, timing is everything. And before you lock in your move date, consider the following factors:

  • Season. Summer is the most expensive time to move because school's out and the weather is nice.
  • Month. The demand is at its lowest once college students and families have already moved. Late September to April is considered an ideal moving time if you're looking to save.
  • Week of the month. People like fresh starts. That's why many relocate during the first or last week of the month.
  • Days of the week. Mondays through Thursdays are the least busy days for movers because most people are in school or at work.

3. Distance and Load

The more stuff you have, the more time you'll need to pack, load, and unpack everything. And the farther away your new place is, the longer you'll spend on the road.

That's why even though companies set an hourly rate, they have starting rates for long-distance moves. Always be honest with all the details you provide to get an accurate quote.

Average Costs for Long-Distance and Local Moving

Companies offer various packages for their services. To give you an idea of how much it will cost, let's discuss how local and long-distance moves are different.


If you're relocating locally, you can easily find full-package hourly services. What will suit you will depend on the assistance you require. For example, the rates at Born to Move start at $120/hr for two movers and one truck.


If it's out of state, it's already considered long-distance. There's no standard rate for this as it largely depends on the distance. For starters, Born to Move rates can be as low as $1,150 for a move from Boston to New York City.

How Do You Decrease Moving Costs?

If you're working on a very limited budget, no worries! Consider the following tips to bring the average cost to move down:

1. Move on a weekday

Everybody loves doing things at the end of the week. That's why, no matter the season, people prefer Fridays to Sundays to schedule their non-work obligations. If you can schedule yours outside of these days, you'll definitely benefit. 

2. Schedule it in advance

Last-minute moves are the worst! Not only do they give you less time to look at quotes, but they're also most stressful. That's why, if you plan to move when your lease ends, book with a company in advance to take advantage of lower costs.

3. Try to negotiate

If you like a particular company and don't want to look anywhere else, there's no harm in trying to get a discount.

4. Stay off-peak season

May 15 to August 31 is considered the peak season. With 65% of moves happening during this time, expect heavier traffic flows as well. This means spending more time on the road, which is bad news if you're charged per hour.

5. Don't be afraid to send inquiries

Getting the best offer may not always necessarily mean getting the cheapest one. Some rates may be higher than others, but there may be more inclusions. For example, some businesses charge you separately for packing materials. Meanwhile, others will have them included in the pricing.

Should You Hire or Do It Yourself?

What you have to remember is that doing it on your own doesn't necessarily mean saving money. Among other things, you have to pay for gas to get you to your destination as well as packing materials for your various items.

For every little thing that goes wrong, you'll spend even more money. Having a moving company do the heavy lifting for you simplifies the process. No need to get or plan for anything else.

You can breeze through the moving day, knowing that professionals are working for you.

Discover your dream home in German Village, OH.

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July 21, 2021
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