Buying a Home at Auction in Australia: A Beginner’s Guide

a woman holding a paper clover



Jan 21, 2021

Auctions offer exciting, fast-paced ways to purchase property often below market value - if properly prepared. Understanding rules, steps, and strategies helps you when buying a house at auction.

Types of Auctions in Australia

Several auction formats exist in Australia:

Absolute Auctions

Properties sell to the highest bidder regardless of price with no minimum reserves. This favors bargain hunters but presents higher risks. Know market valuations.

Reserved Auctions

Most common format. The seller sets an undisclosed minimum selling price required drawing acceptable offers. If bidding doesn’t reach the reserve, the home goes unsold. There is room for post-auction price negotiations in this scenario, however.

Private Auctions

Only pre approved bidders receive invites to participate privately. This pre qualifying stage provides sellers more control screening qualified buyers seriously ready to purchase. But competition remains fierce in these exclusive events.

Online Auctions

Bids get placed virtually for reserve-price properties on the owner's list. This convenient option allows bidding from anywhere without attending crowded open houses. However, first-timers fare better in assessing homes and auction environments in person initially.

Key Property Auction Terms and Concepts

Familiarize yourself with these fundamental auction terms before buying a house at auction:

Bidder Registration

Get officially recognized for participating in bidding by providing your contact and identification details during auction sign-ins. This assigns you a paddle bidder number.

Bidding Increment

The minimum raise required when countering the current bid. Increments vary based on price milestones, increasing as amounts ascend. Know the auctioneer rules.

Reserve Price

A confidential minimum selling amount is pre-approved by the seller before auction events. Below this limit, properties go unsold unless otherwise negotiated post-auction between the highest bidder and seller by private treaty.

Hammer Price

The final highest public bid was called out by the auctioneer before knocking the gavel down and declaring the property sold. However, the legal purchase price accounting for additional fees is outlined formally through legal contracts.

Buyer’s Premium

An extra percentage fee is added to the winning hammer bid total. Premiums typically range between 2% and 4% of purchase prices. Verify the exact premium costs listed in detailed auction terms and conditions rather than assume standard costs.

Preparing for a Successful Property Auction

Thorough planning prevents poor performance! Going in armed with research, budgets, QLD's auction rules, and financing boosts confidence in tackling quick public bidding battles.

Conduct Thorough Research & Due Diligence

Don’t attend your first auction empty-handed! Being an informed bidder requires investigating sales histories, ownership records, and property conditions way beforehand.

Inspect Homes Extensively

Attend all open house viewings, taking notes and professional photos inspecting and documenting existing fixtures, repairs needed, layouts, and building styles preferred. Verify these match online promotional listings. Flag concerns immediately.

Order Property Price Valuations

Hire experienced home appraisers through banks determining fair current market values based on recent comparable area sales and property attributes. This gauges realistic price ceilings aligning with budgets. Don’t assume advertised price guides as gospel.

Review Title Deeds & Zoning

Search public land registry records outlining legal descriptions of property lots, identifying boundaries clearly plus highlighting any encumbrances potentially impacting builds like underground cables or right of ways. Also, confirm council zoning permissions aligned with renovation visions if relevant.

Read Auction Terms & Conditions

Carefully review all published rules and protocols for each auction event ahead of registering to participate. Outline critical points like required deposit amounts that day, settlement dates, buyer premium fees, and bidding increment minimums.

Secure Home Loan Pre-Approval

Mortgage pre-approval verifies financing ability when competitively bidding, speeding post-auction contracting.

Save for Deposit Contributions

Have 10-20% of the purchase price accessible in cash minimum for initial deposit payments securing your offer immediately if bidding successfully. This shows serious buying power out of the gates.

Set Budgets Wisely

Be realistic about total budgets factoring in stamp duties, mortgages with interest rate cushions, strata fees if applicable, initial renovation estimates, regular maintenance costs, and more. Avoid overextending past sensible limits swept up in the fast-paced auction environment.

What To Expect on Auction Day

Attending your first live property auction causes natural nerves, like entering a sporting arena and cheering home teams backed by extensive planning and research completed already. Here is the play-by-play outline of events and buying a house at auction:

Arriving Prepared to Bid

Aim to appear on location one hour before the listed auction start time to acclimate, absorbing environments scanning potential competition. Complete bidder registration then position yourself advantageously.

  • Observe Other Bidders - Are investors and developers dominating or are mostly young families present? What might their budget limits be?
  • Clarify Processes with Agents - Request auction guides recapping terms, buyer premiums, and required deposits owed that day if signing successful contracts of sale immediately following auction events.
  • Stand Centrally Near Auctioneer - Being seen and heard easily avoids missing vital information shared. Make eye contact frequently to signal ongoing bidding participation. Exude confident body language and actions.

Bidding Strategies to Defeat Rivals

Since most property sell orders materialize quickly, thinking two steps ahead is essential.

  • Open Strong - Announce reasonable initial bids slightly above lower psychological price thresholds to establish prominence as a serious winning contender quickly.
  • Remain Steady - Unnerving opponents use distracting intimidation tactics feigning disinterest and disguising upper limits. Stay laser-focused on price alone, not personalities. Match precisely at increments only, don’t jump inconsistently. Use slow hand raises.
  • Trust Instincts on Walking Away - Abandoning doomed overpriced bidding above pre-approved caps prevents financial self-sabotage. Gracefully bowing out frees funds securing better future opportunities. Don’t waver blindly. Stand firm on limits despite social pressures.

Claiming Auction Victory

When the auctioneer shouts “Sold!” after your bold final bid, get ready to finalize legal paperwork committing finances on the spot. Have trusted advisors double-check critical calculated details recited verbally. Then celebrate success signing contracts and securing keys to your new home!

Post Auction: Sales Contracts & Settlement Practicalities

While the exhilarating auction and initial contract paperwork parts conclude quickly, allow several business week lead times navigating final bank and government processes before officially settling. Verify timelines for finalizing outstanding monies through your solicitors.

Stay in close contact with real estate agents throughout, especially if any sale conditions were integrated into auction terms that need fulfilling on either the purchase or seller sides. Handle obligations early without delay so settlement dates go smoothly allowing fast possession to begin moving in.

The Pros and Cons of Buying Property at Auctions

While public bidding creates adrenaline-filled environments rewarding shrewd preparation with property deals, weigh these inherent advantages and risks before jumping in:


  • Transparency - Open auctions facilitate witnessing the highest value market price outcomes from competing buyers firsthand at that exact moment.
  • Efficiency - Quick 8-week turnarounds between winning bids and settling contracts appeal to impatient types plus avoid sales falling through over long dragged-out private sale negotiations afterwards.
  • Potential Discounts - Emotional bidding wars sometimes escalate sales past reasonable value. But reserved option provides room for below market prices if buyer pool enthusiasm falls short of seller expectations.
  • Certainty - Definitive exchange dates create obligations on both sides preventing sellers from stalling or leveraging multiple offer scenarios common in private sales.


  • High Risk - Attending novice without professional bidding advice risks overpaying amounts beyond market rates and personal budgets. Do extensive homework beforehand on property valuations in the local area at that time.
  • Stressful Conditions - Time pressures coupled with competitive social influences getting caught up in the auction atmosphere often override logical thinking caps in calculating wise choices. Stick firmly to pre-approved limits and don’t waiver unsuccessfully trying to keep up with escalating bids exceeding affordable parameters.
  • No Cooling Off Periods - Except for very specific conditions integrated offering interim legal outs, auction signings lock financially into firm purchases unable to retract later despite second thoughts. Ensure thorough property inspections and financial preparations occur ahead.


Preparing thoroughly empowers first-timers navigating fast-paced property auctions in Australia judiciously. Comprehending standard terms, tactics, and consumer rules protects bidders from overpaying plied by gee-ups and swindles. Screen listings wisely inspecting offerings thoroughly supported by recent sales data plus valuations from experts aware of impacts from impending projects nearby or economic shifts.

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