A Quick Guide To Matching Your Garden Style With Your Home’s Architecture

Creating a harmonious outdoor space that reflects the style of your home requires careful consideration and a touch of creativity.

a house with a lawn and a patio



Jan 21, 2021

The key to a seamless transition between your home’s architecture and your garden lies in understanding the design principles that unite indoor and outdoor spaces. Whether laying the foundation for a new garden or revamping an existing one, choosing a garden style that complements your home’s architectural character is essential.

Designing your English garden in alignment with your home’s architecture is about selecting the right plants and mirroring your home’s structural features, colour schemes, and overall vibe in your outdoor space. This thoughtful approach ensures that your garden is a place of beauty and an extension of your home.

Read on for essential tips and inspiring ideas on elevating your outdoor living by matching your garden style with your home’s architecture.

Understand Your Home’s Architectural Style

Before delving into the excitement of selecting plants and planning your dream garden layout, pause to contemplate your home’s architectural style. Recognizing the unique house styles is vital in choosing a garden design that complements your home’s aesthetic.

Here’s how to identify your home’s architectural style:

  • Modern homes: Modern architecture is all about clean lines and geometric forms, and your garden should echo this. Structured planting beds and straight lines, as well as a monochromatic color scheme, are required. Low-maintenance shrubs, ornamental grasses, and bold flowers appropriately utilized are the perfect combination.
  • Traditional homes: Classic and timeless, traditional homes pair well with symmetrical layouts, established flower beds, and various plants. Brick walkways, climbing vines, and colorful blooms all contribute to the charm of a traditional garden.
  • Colonial homes: Formal gardens with defined spaces and a focus on symmetry and balance perfectly complement the elegance of colonial architecture. Boxwood hedges, perennial borders, and well-maintained lawns create a sense of order and grandeur.
  • Mid-Century modern homes: Mid-century modern homes are all about bringing the outside in. Think big lawns for lounging, clusters of plants for pops of color, and planters by the patio for easy greenery. Keep it natural with wood and stone accents—like an outdoor living room connected to your house.

By understanding your home’s architectural style, you can make informed decisions about your garden design, ensuring a seamless blend between your house and its surroundings. 

a garden with a table and chairs

Selecting Plants That Complement Your Home

Now that you’ve identified your home’s architectural style, it’s time to choose plants that extend that look. Your plant selections play a starring role in creating a cohesive and visually pleasing connection between your house and the garden.  

Here are some key considerations:

  • Color coordination: Think about the colors of your home’s exterior—the siding, trim, and roof. Mirror those colors in your plant choices. For example, a red brick house might benefit from pops of red flowers or burgundy foliage, while soft lavender blooms and silver greenery could complement a white stucco home.
  • Texture and form: Consider the shapes and lines of your home. If your house features sharp angles and geometric shapes, plants with similar clean lines and structured forms, like boxwoods or ornamental grasses, will be a great fit. Flooding plants with softer textures like ferns or flowering shrubs will feel more at home for a home with a curved roofline or rounded corners.
  • Seasonal interest: Who wants a boring garden? Choose plants that offer visual interest throughout the year. Include a mix of evergreens for winter structure, springtime bulbs for pops of color, and summer bloomers to keep things exciting. Don’t forget about fall foliage for a final burst of beauty before winter sets in.

Balancing these elements will bring a sense of continuity and flow between your home and garden, enhancing the overall aesthetic of your property.

Hardscaping To Enhance Architectural Harmony

Your plants and architectural style aren’t the only stars of the show. Hardscaping elements and the permanent fixtures in your garden, like pathways and patios, also play a significant role in creating a cohesive and beautiful space. Well-chosen hardscaping elements enhance your garden’s look and boost property value by adding functionality and improving curb appeal.

Here’s how to choose hardscaping that complements both your home’s design and your overall garden style:

  • Pathways and patios: Think of these as an extension of your home’s living area. Use clean lines and geometric shapes with concrete or stone pavers for a modern home. Traditional homes benefit from classic materials like brick or flagstone, while colonial gardens can be enhanced with gravel or cobblestone paths.
  • Walls and fences: These provide privacy and security but can also add a design element. For a modern look, consider sleek metal fencing or minimalist walls. Traditional gardens might feature picket fences or low brick walls, while wrought iron fences or tall hedges can complement colonial homes.
  • Water features: The sound of trickling water adds a touch of tranquility to any garden. Modern styles might feature sleek fountains or infinity pools, while traditional gardens can incorporate ponds or birdbaths. Colonial gardens often have more formal water features like reflecting pools or tiered fountains.

Incorporating hardscaping elements that match your home’s style makes your garden more attractive, adds practicality, and boosts your property’s worth.


Transforming your outdoor space into a seamless extension of your home is an achievable and rewarding endeavor. By understanding your home’s architectural style and incorporating these design principles, you can create a garden that complements your existing structure and reflects your personal taste. Whether you crave a minimalist haven or a classic retreat, the perfect garden awaits. So, unleash your creativity, embrace these tips, and get ready to watch your dream outdoor oasis blossom.

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