5 Podcasts that Homeowners Need to Listen to ASAP
First-time Homeowner, Self-declared Home Improvement Expert, In Search of a Home to Buy, or Looking to Finance your home - This List has Something for Everyone

In 2019, we have an endless stream of information right at our fingertips. No matter what you’re looking to learn about, there are countless ways of absorbing that information. Podcasts are one of my favorite ways to consume.
As a homeowner, you are busier than ever. Listening to a podcast is the way to go. It allows you to hear advice from experts without taking valuable time out of your day. Play it on your morning commute to work, while doing general housekeeping, or any other activity. It is a super convenient way to learn new things pertaining to your home.
Searching for your first home? Thinking of tackling a new home improvement project? Looking for finance options? Trying to save by trying to DIY a repair? There is a podcast for you! Check out this list to find the one that fits your interest.

1. Young House Love
Sherry and John Petersik documented the ups and downs of buying and renovating their first home on a blog in 2007. Since then they have taken over the home improvement world. They have renovated five homes, published a book, create a line of home products that are sold in major retailers and start this podcast!
The couple talks about renovation using affordable and realistic materials, furniture, and decor. Podcast topics cover thousands of DIY Projects, guides to buying a home, how to cope when things don't go the way you planned, but things don’t stop there. They share tips and tricks on organization, maximizing your use of space, living with kids and more! They even have special guests that come and give their expert opinion and experiences.
Sherry and John bring a bit of humor and relatability to this show, making it a favorite among many. That’s because they started their journey just like the average person. They were starting their family and buying their first home while living on a budget. Even after their success, they just focus on sharing their experiences and struggles. They have two kids, in which they refer to as their “Biggest DIY Project to date”.
This podcast is perfect for new homeowners. Listening to Sherry and John’s horror stories throughout the years makes everything a little less stressful. The show is also great for any home improvement lovers. Listening through will inspire you and give you tons of ideas on refreshing your space.
Subscribe in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify, or wherever else you get your podcasts.

2. The Money Pit
This podcast is all about the repairs! If you own a house, there’s always something that needs fixing. Most homeowners don’t know the first thing when it comes to repairs. In this podcast, Leslie Segrete and Tom Kraeutler share their knowledge and guide the novice homeowners to being well-trained handymen. While Leslie and Tom are great at giving extensive explanations on home repair, the podcast covers a lot more than that!
Topics covered in the past include Easy Lighting Updates for Kitchens, Budget Bathroom Remodels, How to Prevent Pet Damage to Your Lawn, and much more! This show is basically the ultimate source for hacks, tricks, & how-to's for your home.
In addition to being a Podcast, The Money Pit is also a nationally syndicated radio show. That allows it to have a call-in format. Listeners call in to get all kinds of home advice. This means that you will hear people just like you talk about their struggles and get professional advice. A lot of the calls end up turning into a full show dedicated to the topic. So, if there’s a topic they haven’t covered yet, give Leslie and Tom a ring to get their expert opinion.
The Money Pit can be listened to on any platform where podcasts are available, but their website also has a transcript of each episode available for your convenience.

3. The Holistic Housing Podcast
This one covers the politics of it all. The Holistic Housing Podcast is created by the National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCED). The show starts a conversation between thought leaders, policymakers and program implementers across the affordable housing, community development, and economic development field. As a homeowner, this information is extremely important to you. Guests on the show discuss their personal experience and potential solutions on everything from gentrification, workforce development, homelessness, urban revitalization, sustainability, place-making, the American Dream, and so much more.
The goal of the shows hosts, Sarah and Laura, is to explain how housing affects quality of life and in turn, every individual's ability to lead a successful life. Don’t let the serious nature of this podcast lead you to think it is boring. The girls that run the show are not afraid to throw some humor in and do a really great job of explaining why these big topics are important to you.
You can listen on ITunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn.

4. Real Estate Today Radio
Real Estate Today Radio is specifically for those looking to buy a new home. For homeowners, your home will be one of, if not the biggest investment you will ever make. So listening to this podcast, which shares relevant and critical information surrounding the market, gives homeowners a competitive edge. The host, Stephen Gasque, of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® is a credible source of information with a background in both journalism and real estate.
This one is actually a radio show but all the episodes are available online. The show covers every step of buying a home. They guide homeowners through everything from everything to attending an open house to making an offer. Stephen analyzes changes in the market and puts it in laymen's terms for potential buyers.
This podcast is the ultimate guide for buyers.

5. Afford Anything
Afford Anything isn’t just for homeowners. It is for anyone who is living an adult life on a budget. However, she focuses on getting out of debt and purchasing homes. This one is one of the more straightforward shows. The host, Paula Pant is great at breaking things down and explainingexplaing things. She often takes her caller's real-life numbers and breaks it down to help them form a plan to reach a certain goal. For example, she helps one caller decide whether or not she should downsize to a smaller home.
Paula alternates what the topics will be each week. She switches off between a well-researched episode dedicated to one topic and AskPaula episodes where her listeners call in and ask for advice on their lives. Past topics have included How We Retired at Age 30 and 29, with Mike and Lauren, When a Child of Financial Chaos Stumbles into Adulthood – with Paulette Perhach, How I Reached Financial Independence Through Real Estate - Eith Chad Carson, and other great ones.
When listening through the Afford Anything website, each episode gives you a list of resources related to the topics covered in that episode. Overall, this podcast is great for young or first-time homeowners more than anything. Paula and her guests give really specific instructions and explanations for everything they share.
Whether you own a home or are looking to buy, owning having a home means having a huge responsibility, and can be very stressful. Who has the time to read thick books with words you don't know? Who has the money to pay someone to handle every home-related task thrown at you? Let these podcasts help you manage your stress. These shows help to break down the information you need in a way that is easy to understand and in the time frame you need.
It doesn’t matter what stage of the home buying process you're in - these podcasts are sure to help you tremendously. Listen to find inspiring new ways to spice up your space. Listen to get advice on how to finance your dream home. Listen for instructions on simple repairs to save some money. The list of ways these podcasts will help homeowners is endless! You will not be disappointed.