Saturday activities in Lewis Center

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a calendar that says today is the perfect day to be happy


Marissa Perino


Jan 21, 2021

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Everyone knows Columbus is full of fun things to do, and one of the pros of the Lewis Center area is its close proximity to the capital. As you shop for houses, consider taking a few hours out of your weekend to participate in one of these popular activities, all of which are kid friendly!

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SkyZone Trampoline Park

SkyZone Trampoline Park boasts plenty of activities for people of all ages. A popular chain often used for birthday parties and group get-togethers, the Columbus location offers some heart-pumping attractions: a freestyle jump, a dodgeball arena and a “Foam Zone” where visitors can jump into a massive pit filled with foam. Other special programs feature “Toddler Time” where younger children can safely play with others their own size, along with a “Skyfit” exercise class. The workout combines common gym moves and trampoline jumps--consider replacing your usual yoga or morning jog with this class!


Like SkyZone, LazerKraze in Lewis Center offers fun for all ages and is a great activity for your group in the Columbus area. The arena features a futuristic theme, with visitors saying the laser center made them feel like they were “transported into a video game.” Individuals can purchase a single “mission” or game for as low as $8, making for a cheap afternoon excursion. The facility also offers an inflatables room where kids can jump and race in mazes, along with wait in line to duel in the inflatable wrestling arena. Lastly, a complete arcade offers a mix of both classic and modern games, where you can earn winning tickets to cash in for prizes.

Columbus Zoo & Aquarium

Image result for columbus zoo

The Columbus Zoo & Aquarium is perhaps one of the most well-known attractions of the capital city, as made popular by longtime director Jack Hanna. Located near Powell, Ohio--just a short thirteen-minute drive from Lewis Center --the zoo houses thousands of animals, ranging from the African Gray Parrot to the Zebra Shark. Tickets can be purchased in advance, and be sure to look out for special events such as Boo at the Zoo and Christmas lights if you are visiting around the holidays! Finally, if you care to trek farther out, consider making reservations to drive through The Wilds, where animals roam free in protected land.

Zoombezi Bay

Courtesy of the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium

Along with the animals at the zoo and The Wilds, the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium offers a fully-functioning water park known as Zoombezi Bay. During the hot summer months of June, July and August, consider getting tickets to cool off in attractions such as the Baboon Lagoon and Croctail Creek. Like many parks, Zoombezi Bay offers both crazy rides such as the Cyclone water slide and a calm kids corner. Season passes can be purchased for both the zoo and Zoombezi Bay if you plan on visiting often!

Center of Science and Industry

Courtesy of Columbus Venue Finder

If the weather is cold or rainy, you should think about visiting Columbus’s other main attraction COSI, or the Center of Science and Industry. A science museum and a research center, visitors can explore all of the major exhibit areas: Ocean, Energy Explorers, Space, Progress, Gadgets, Life and the Dinosaur Gallery. Special exhibits often include special shows in the Planetarium, along with events such as Family Fridays and COSI After Dark. Open most days from 10 am to 7 am, COSI is a great day trip to learn something new.

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