Spring Cleaning in Columbus: Where to Donate Anything You’re Getting Rid Of

Clothes, Books, Furniture, and More--the Ten Best Places to Send Your Donations to in Columbus

a note that says spring tucked under a branch with budding leaves on it

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Spring has sprung but it’s understandable if spring cleaning has been far from your mind. For those of you around Columbus just now getting around to pulling out the broom and dustpan, we have the perfect guide to help you with your cleaning adventure. 

Cleaning requires a lot more than just running the vacuum and washing the windows. Going through clothes, books, and furniture to figure out what you’ve outgrown--physically or aesthetically--is a great way to keep the clutter to a minimum. 

Although going through your house or apartment from top to bottom can seem daunting, once you break the task down into smaller steps it’ll seem a lot more manageable. To help you do that, we’ve pulled together a brief guide that will walk you through the process of purging your home of unwanted or unnecessary belongings. We’ll also clue you in to the best donation places in Columbus, Ohio--keeping your old clothes and books out of the landfill is a great way to practice sustainability.

Read on for our helpful tips:

  • How to Start the Process of Cleaning
  • Where to Send Books
  • Where to Send Clothes
  • Where to Send Toys, Electronics, and Sports Equipment
  • Where to Send Furniture

How to Start the Process of Cleaning Out Your Columbus Home

Declutter Your Life and Refresh Your Living Space

Getting rid of things you no longer use or love is a great way to open up space in your home for fresh decor--and to make space in your closet for all the clothes you’ve been ordering. For some, this process of cleaning can be difficult not only because it seems boring, but because it can be overwhelming to think about going through everything you own.

A great way to incentivize yourself and begin the process of spring cleaning is to set up a reward system. Maybe for every five items of clothing you decide to get rid of, you can treat yourself to one new item. Or you can think about all the great things you’re likely to find once you start going through your drawers and shelves--that shirt you’ve been looking for all year could be hiding in the back of a drawer!

Once you’ve actually begun the process, your spring cleaning will be much easier if you develop a process. Try setting daily goals based on which part of the house you want to clean each day or how many things you want to collect for donation.

When deciding what to do with all the clothes, books, toys, and furniture you’re going through, try assigning each item to a specific pile: keep, toss, donate. If you’re not sure how you feel about a particular item, set it to the side and give yourself a day or two to think about it. 

After you’ve put together your various piles, gather together all your donations--and read on to learn about where you can send them.

A person with a book held open in their hands
Give the gift of a great story to a child in Columbus this spring. While some have grown to like electronic forms of books, there are plenty of people who still enjoy the feel of a physical book in their hands. Places like Half-Priced Books’ Columbus location are dedicated to helping people find the perfect stories.

Where to Send Books in Columbus

Send Your Old Favorites to a New Columbus Home

Half-Price Books accepts donations of printed materials--including almanacs, children’s books, textbooks, and comic books as well as chapter books--but will also buy them from you. There are several locations in and around Columbus, Ohio that you can go to. 

Check their website for their store locations closest to you as well as their hours, which may be impacted by state closures. Because they may not be buying merchandise at this time, put your books-to-donate in a box for the time being.

Another great organization to send your books and DVDs to is Friends of the Library, associated with the Columbus Metropolitan Library. While the library and drop off locations are currently closed, once they reopen they would be happy to accept your books, DVDs, and audiobooks. These will then be sold at Big Book Sales and in the Library Store, the proceeds from which help support the local library programs. Supporting these programs is essential during this time, as many libraries have had to close for the foreseeable future and may struggle in the future to raise funds.

Donating your books helps ensure that those without the resources to purchase books new or those looking for a sustainable alternative to mass produced books can still get their hands on copies of your favorite tales. If you’re looking to support literacy and engage with programs that enable libraries to stay up and running, go through your bookcases and gather a pile of donations.

A row of colorful shirt hanging together
When was the last time you wore that shirt? If you can’t remember, that’s a good sign you can safely get rid of it. As long as it’s clean and whole, even the clothes you consider ugly can be sent in to one of these Columbus centers.

Where to Send Clothes in Columbus, OH

Give Your Old Clothes A New Life By Finding Your Nearest Drop-Off Location

Just because you’ve gotten sick of your old high school shirts and hand me downs doesn’t mean someone else won’t appreciate them. And at some point you’ll have to let go of the blazers, too-short pants, and prom dresses that you’ve been hiding in the back of your closet. 

When you’re ready to let go of last year’s trends, give back to your Columbus community by donating your clothes.

Dress For Success is an organization that provides professional help as well as professional attire to women who need it. Dress For Success is located in the Short North neighborhood of Columbus and is currently accepting clothing and apparel donations. 

Professional attire--such as khakis, cardigans, and suits--as well as accessories--handbags, scarves, and the like--aren’t the only donations DFS accepts. Trade-based apparel is also accepted. Medical scrubs, footwear, and garments specific to various trades (plumbing, veterinarian, etc.) are gladly accepted. Visit their website for a comprehensive list of clothing and apparel that you can donate.

If you have an old prom dress hanging in the back of your closet, take a photo for nostalgia’s sake and then donate it to someone who needs it. Although we might feel like we need to hang on to sentimental pieces of clothing, knowing that you’ve sent it on to someone else is a much more rewarding feeling.

Fairy Godmothers, a Central Ohio organization, collects and distributes formal dresses and accompanying accessories to young girls who need them. You can make someone’s dream come true by providing a beautiful dress to a young woman eager for a spectacular prom night.

Goodwill is a staple destination for any spring cleaner. If you’re looking for somewhere to donate clothes, books, and more, check out their website to find the nearest Columbus location. Even if you think your old clothes are terribly out of fashion, there’s always someone out there tearing through the racks looking for a garish Hawaiian shirt or a tasseled vest.

A collection of plastic toys scattered across a beige background
The toys that brought you joy still have some life in them. Donate your old toys to one of these Columbus, Ohio donation centers instead of keeping them in boxes in the attic.

Best Places In Columbus to Send Toys, Electronics, and Sports Equipment 

Clear Out the Cubbies and Corners and Donate Your Gently Used Items

The toy industry generates large amounts of waste each year by constantly producing new toys which will be used and then quickly discarded. Donating to an organization that finds a new home for old toys keeps our landfills from overflowing with perfectly fine toys that any child would love to have.

Columbus’s Once Upon A Child location accepts donations but also buys gently used toys and baby gear. Just make sure everything is freshly laundered and clean! But if you’re trying to donate an old puzzle with half its pieces missing, just know that Once Upon A Child only accepts toys with all their original pieces intact.

Spring cleaning isn’t complete until you go through all the old flip phones, laptops, and landlines banished to the lowest drawer. Instead of hanging on to technology you don’t need, donate it to one of these centers to have it refurbished and resold or recycled.

Accurate IT Services provides Columbus residents with a place to drop off old tech--or call and schedule a pick up. And don’t worry about data security--any devices containing personal information or data are handled according to relevant guidelines.

Another place to send computers and related equipment is Community Computer Alliance. This Columbus, Ohio organization fixes, refurbishes, and reclaims your old equipment to provide job readiness opportunities to those with developmental disabilities. Consider donating your equipment (or your time!) to CCA.

Sports equipment has a way of cluttering the corners of the garage, so if you find yourself tripping over hockey sticks and wading through old basketballs on your way to the car every morning, it’s time to say good-bye. 

P.L.A.Y. is affiliated with the city of Columbus’s parks and recreation program. Find information on their website about how your donations of sports equipment helps make playtime accessible to all children.

Play It Again Sports has two Columbus, Ohio locations where you can sell your old equipment and buy gently used gear. They buy most sports gear, including out-of-season gear to meet all your spring, summer, fall, and winter cleaning needs.

A chair wrapped in bubblewrap
That old furniture sitting in your attic isn’t doing anyone any good--give it to someone who will appreciate it! If you’re interested in getting rid of used furniture and want to make a quick buck, there are plenty of places in Columbus that will pay you for your appliances and furniture and then resell them at an affordable cost.

Where to Send Furniture and Appliances

Help Furnish Someone’s Home and Make Space In Your Own

Spring cleaning is a great time to revamp the color palette of your home. Doing so might require letting go of pieces of furniture that no longer match your aesthetic. Instead of putting your sofa on the curb, consider donating to an organization that provides furniture to those in need or resells it.

A great place to donate furniture and other household decor items is Furniture Bank of Central Ohio.

This organization has been helping 23 Ohio families every day, providing essential furniture to those in need. FBCO will donate your gently used furniture to those dealing with poverty or other life challenges--your furniture will be especially helpful for those struggling with unexpected difficulties during this time.

If your home appliances are also looking out of place or you’re thinking about upgrading your fridge so you can stock it with delicious spring and summer recipes, consider locating the nearest Habitat for Humanity drop off location. They have a number of central Ohio locations where you’re able to drop off your donations.

If you’re looking for someone to come pick up and pay you for your working fridge or freezer, AEP Ohio provides a $50 incentive and free, convenient pick up. 95% of old units will be recycled and reused.

Spring Cleaning Is the Perfect Way to Give Back to Columbus

Connect With Columbus Through Your Donations to These Great Centers and Stores

Whether you’re new to the area or were born and raised in Columbus--or even if you’re from outside of the city boundaries--sending your books, toys, furniture and more to donation centers instead of the landfill is good for you, good for the environment, and good for your community. 

Donation centers rely on your kindness and dedication to Columbus in order to provide essential services and items to those who need them. Check out any of the donation centers above and make spring cleaning in Columbus a time of giving back.

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